Township: kilmoluaig


Digitised copy of the Rental of Tiree, detailing silver and in kind rent, 1680.

Contains rents paid in money and victuals for the west and east ends of Tiree. The following townships are included: Hianish (Heanish), Baigh (Baugh), Hieliboll and Crossaboll (Heylipol and Crossapol), Ballino (Balinoe), Cuzeiss (Cuigeas. The z in this historical form is the Scots letter yogh), Sorob and Balimartin (Soroby and Balemartine), Mannall (Mannal), [one illegible entry], Eiren (Heren), Balliphill (Balephuil), Kenvar, Baroboll (Barrapol), Ballimennach (Middleton), Sandaig, Criannall (Greenhill), Kerrifergus (Kerrefurgus), Kerrimenach (Kerremeanach), Kerrinakill (Keranokile), Crossiger (Kerachrosecar), Murdott (Murstat), Hough, the miln of Hieliboll (the mill of Heylipol), Balliwillnig (Balevullin), Killmaluag (Kilmoluaig), Bilst and Ballinacragarach (Beist and Baile nan Cràganach), Bassaboll (Bhasapol), Cornaigmoir (Cornaigmore), Cornaigbeg, Kenway (Kenovay). Balliphetrais and Ballwaig (Balephetrish and Baluaig), Kirkapoll (Kirkapol), Vaull (Vaul), Sallum (Salum), Ruag and Vwyll (Ruaig and Vuill), Keylis (Caoles), Gott.

This document is written in secretary hand. There is no transcript available for this item.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.



Digitised copy of the Rental of Tiree (in kind) as paid 1652-1675.

Contains rents paid in money and victuals for Tiree. The following townships are included, with some personal names (including Charles Mcleane, Bailie of Tiree): Ballevwllin (Balevullin), Kenavay (Kenovay), Valla (Vaul), Kelisse (Caoles), Shallum (Salum), Ruaige (Ruaig), Kirkapoll (Kirkapol), Gota (Gott), Ballefetrish (Balephetrish) and Balluaig (Baluig), Cornegbeg (Cornaigbeg), Cornaigmor (Cornaigmore), Bassaboill (Bhasapol), Bist (Beist), Killmolwaige (Kilmoluaig), Hoiug (Hough), Mwrdat (Murstat), Killchainich (Kilkenneth), Sandaig, Ballemeanach (Middleton), Barbwll (Barapol), Kenivar (Kenovar), Ballphuill (Balephuil), Heynishe (Hynish), Manvell (Mannal), Ballemartin (Balemartine), Soriby (Soroby), Cwzeiss (Cuigeas. The z in this historical form is the Scots letter yogh), Balleno (Balinoe), Hinilboll and Crosboll (Heylipol and Crossapol), Henishe (Heanish), Bay (Baugh), Herrinine (Heren).

This document is written in secretary hand. There is no transcript available for this item.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.



Digitised copy of the Rental of Tiree by Ardgour, 1662.

Contains rents paid in money and victuals for the west and east ends of Tiree, by Maclean of Ardgour. The following townships are included: Hianenish (Heanish), Baighe (Baugh), Helliboill and Crossiboill (Heylipol and Crossapol), Courerse (Cuigeas), Sorobe and Ballemartine (Soroby and Balemartine), Manuall (Mannal), Haivenish (Hynish), Eyren (Heren), Balllipaill (Balephuil), Kenvar (Kenovar), Barboll (Barrapol), Ballemanoch (Middleton), Saindaig (Sandaig), Grianall (Greenhill), Kerrefergus (Kerreferguss), Kerremanoch (Kerremeanach), Kerrenokill (Kerenokile), Crossiger (Kerachrosegar), Momdrot or Moidrot[?] (Murstat), Hodgh[?] (Hough), The mylne (the mill), Ballliewilling (Balevullin), Kilmaluaig (Kilmoluaig), Bist (Beist), Ballanacraganich (Baile nan Cràganach), Ballaboill (Bhasapol), Cornegmore (Cornaigmore), Cornegbeig (Cornaigbeg), Kenway (Kenovay), Ballefedru[?] (Balephetrish), Balwaig (Baluaig), Kirkapoill (Kirkapol), Vaull (Vaul), Shallum (Salum), Ruag & Muyll (Ruaig and (Vuill), Keylis (Caoles), Gott.

This document is written in secretary hand. There is no transcript for this item.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.



Digitised copy of Memorandum of the rental of the east end of Tiree and of the west end of Tiree, 1662.

Contains the extent of the land measured in mail lands (a unit of land tenure possibly deriving from the Old Norse word mælir), with personal names included in the patronymic form. The townships listed are: Ballemulline (Balevullin), Killimulwaige (Kilmoluaig), Bijt (Beist), Basbwll (Bhasapol), Cornegmore (Cornaigmore), Cornegbeg (Cornaigbeg), Kenivaij (Kenovay), Ballefetrishe (Balephetrish), Kirkboll (Kirkapol), Wall (Vaul), Shallum (Salum), Qwaige & moill (Ruaig and Vuill), Caillis (Caoles), Hienishe (Heanish), Baighe (Baugh), Hilliboll & Crossboll (Heylipol & Crossapol), Balleno (Balinoe), Cw[y]eisse (Cuigeas), Sorribij & Ballemertine (Soroby & Balemartine), Manwell [Mannal], Heynish (Hynish), Herrinnine (Heren), Ballefwill (Balephuil), Kenivar (Kenavara), Barbwll (Barrapol), Ballemeanach (Middleton), Santaige (Sandaig), Grenall (Greenhill), Kerrafergosse (Kerreferguss), Kerremeanach, Kerrenakill (Keranokile), Crossiger (Kerachrosecar), and Mwrdate (Murstat)

This document is written in secretary hand. Click to view a transcript of this item.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Transcript of a Police Report submitted to Tobermory Procurator Fiscal by John McDougall (Constable) charging Flora McKinnon with assault  on 23 July 1880. Flora McKinnon (daughter of Grace Campbell or McKinnon, Kilmoluaig) is accused of assaulting Ann McKinnon (outworker, Kilmoluaig).

Statements are provided by Ann McKinnon (above), Mary McKinnon (sister of Ann McKinnon, Kilmoluaig), and Grace Campbell or McKinnon (mother of accused). Ann McKinnon gives reasons for her reluctance to travel to Tobermory, and mentions that Mr McDiarmid (the factor) could resettle Flora McKinnon. Archibald Campbell (Inspector of Poor) makes remarks about Ann and Mary McKinnon.

Click to read a transcript of this item.

From the liveArgyll Archives in Lochgilphead, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Transcript of Police Report submitted to Tobermory Procurator Fiscal by Duncan Cameron (Constable, Tiree) charging John Kennedy with the crime of theft in November 1870. Kennedy (son of and residing with Donald Kennedy, Balevullin) is accused of stealing money from the house of Charles MacLean (cotter, Hillippol [Heylipol]). Statements are provided by Charles MacLean (cotter, Heylipol) and Archibald MacLean (shoemaker, Kilmoluaig).

Click to read a transcript of this item.

From the liveArgyll Archives in Lochgilphead, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Transcript of a Police Report submitted to the Procurator Fiscal in Tobermory charging John MacMillan with Malicious Mischief in May 1870. MacMillan (fisherman, Balevullin) is accused of disposing of seaware (kelp or seaweed) belonging to Neil Kennedy (fisherman, Balevullin).

Sarah Kennedy (wife of Neil Kennedy, Balevullin) and Archibald Kennedy (crofter, Kilmoluaig) are named as witnesses.

Click to read a transcript of this item.

From the liveArgyll Archives in Lochgilphead, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Transcript of a Police Report submitted to the Procurator Fiscal in Tobermory charging Donald McDonald with theft in October 1868. Duncan Cameron (Constable, Tiree) reports that Donald MacDonald (son of and residing with Flora MacLean, pauper, Kilmoluaig) is accused of taking a ‘grape’ (graip: an iron-pronged fork used in farming and gardening) belonging to Dugald MacCallum (crofter, Kilmoluaig).

Statements are provided from: Archibald MacCallum (son of and residing with Dugald MacCallum, Kilmoluaig) and Angus MacDonald (Cotter, Moss).

Click to read a transcript of this item.

From the liveArgyll Archives in Lochgilphead, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Transcript of papers detailing charges of sheep stealing, house breaking and theft against Archibald MacArthur (labourer, Antuim, Mull) and John Herbertson (labourer, Druimnacroish, Mull) in 1864. MacArthur and Herbertson are accused of stealing sheep from Baleuchrach in January 1864 and of stealing bottles of wine and champagne from Bellachroy on the evening of Friday 27 November 1863.

Statements are provided by:

John Paterson (shepherd to William Lang, residing at Lochs House in the united parish of Kilninian and Kilmore)
John Scott (sheep and farm manager for William Lang, Sorne)
John McLeod (shepherd, Baliachrach)
Ann McCallum (residing with Archibald MacArthur, Antuim. The niece of Archibald MacArthur’s wife)
Flora McLean or McDonald (wife of and residing with Alexander Macdonald, Antuim)
Isabell Cameron or McCarmail (also spelled in the transcript as McCannail. A pauper, Antuim)
Mrs Mary McLean (wife of Donald MacLean, Corachan)
John Kennedy (crofter, Dervaig)
Donald McLean (labourer, Dervaig)
Charles Cameron (son of and residing with John Cameron, Dervaig)
Mary Herbertson (daughter of and residing with John Herbertson, Achnadrish. Sister of the accused)
Neil MacKinnon (son of and residing with John MacKinnon, Druimnacroish)
Lachlan McLean (shopman to and residing with Neil MacKinnon, Tobermory)
Jessie Livingstone (servant to and residing with Mrs Petrie in the Mull Hotel, Tobermory)
James Sturton (forester, Drumfin)
Catherine Kennedy (Dervaig)
Dugald McLachlan (Keeper of the Prison of Tobermory and residing there)
Thomas Semple (tenant, Antuim)
Jessie Paterson or Morison (widow, residing with John Paterson at the Lakes about four miles from Tobermory)
Richard Semple (son of and residing with Thomas Semple, Antuim)
Alexander McLean (Dervaig)
Hector McLaine (shopkeeper, Dervaig)
William Sproat (writer in Tobermory)
Hugh McLean (blacksmith, Dervaig)
Marion Beaton or McLean (wife of and residing with Hugh Maclean, Dervaig)
John McLean (tenant, Retreat)
Mary MacDonald or Herbertson (wife of and residing with John Herbertson [accused], Druimnacroish)
Catherine MacArthur (wife of and residing with Archibald MacArthur [accused], Antuim)
Angus MacKinnon (shepherd, Torr)
John Herbertson (farm manager, Achnadrish. Father of accused)
Neil Kennedy (crofter, Dervaig)
Jessie Macdonald (niece of and residing with Archibald MacDonald, Tobermory
Duncan MacKinnon (drover, Kilmoluaig, Tiree)
Archibald MacDonald (merchant, Tobermory)
Duncan Cameron (Police Constable, Heanish, Tiree)
John MacIntyre (crofter, Dervaig)
Mary McCulloch or Lamont (wife of and residing with Robert Lamont, Tobermory)
Allan Cameron (Sergeant of Police, Tobermory)
John MacKenzie (Police Constable, Tobermory)

Part of the judicial declaration is missing, as well as some of the testimony of Mary McCulloch or Lamont, and the full testimony of Robert Lamont (merchant, Tobermory). The transcript provides details of sheep farming and sheep management and makes mention of old dates for Christmas and New Year. The transcript also mentions the process by which Gaelic was translated into English.

Click to read a transcript of this item.

From the liveArgyll Archives in Lochgilphead, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.



Transcript of a Police Report submitted to Tobermory Procurator Fiscal by Finlay Fraser (Police Constable, Tiree), regarding the theft of a plaid in June 1861. Catherine and Marion McKinnon (Kilmoluaig) are charged with stealing or fraudulently retaining a plaid belonging to James McEachnie (travelling hawker) from the house of their father, Neil McKinnon (crofter, Killmoluaig). The appearance and value of the plaid are described in detail. It is noted that there is no evidence of the theft.

Click to read a transcript of this item.

From the liveArgyll Archives in Lochgilphead, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.