Dates: 1660s


Digitised copy of the Extract of the rental of the lands of [Maclean of] Duart, including Tiree, Morvern and Mull, 1662.

Contains rents paid in money and victuals for the west and east ends of Tiree. The following townships are included, with personal names included in the patronymic form: Hianneish (Heanish), Baigh (Baugh), Helliboill and Crossiboill (Heylipol and Crossapol), Ballenoe (Balinoe), Cowzeise (Cuigeas. The z in this historical form is the Scots letter yogh), Sorobie and Ballemarteyn (Soroby and Balemartine), Mannall (Mannal), Hai[?]neish (Hynish), Eyren (Heren), Balephuill (Balephuil), Kenvarr (Kenovar), Barboill (Barrapol), Ballemeanach (Middleton), Samdaig (Sandaig), Grianall (Greenhill), Kerrefergus (Kerreferguss), Kerremeanach (Kerremeanach), Kerrenakill (Kerenokile), Crossiegarr (Kerachrosegar), Mourdott (Murstat), Hodh (Hough), Balliewilling (Balevullin), Kilmaluag (Kilmoluaig), Bist (Beist), Ballenacraganich (Baile nan Cràganach), Bassaboill (Bhasapol), Cornagmore (Cornaigmore), Cornegbeg (Cornaigbeg), Kenvay (Kenovay), Ballephetris (Balephetrish), Balluaig (Baluaig), Kirkapoill (Kirkapol), Vaull (Vaul), Sallum (Sallum), Ruaig and Muyll (Vuill), Keylis (Caoles), Gott.

This document is written in secretary hand. There is no transcript available for this item.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Digitised copy of the Memorial of the rental of Tiree, 1662.

Contains rents paid in money and victuals for the west and east ends of Tiree. The following townships are included:  Hianenish (Heanish), Baighe (Baugh), Holliboill and Crossiboill (Heylipol and Crossapol), Ballenoe (Balinoe), Courerse (Cuigeas), Sorobe and Ballemartin (Soroby and Balemartine), Mannall (Mannal), Haivenish (Hynish), Eyren (Heren), Ballephaill (Balephuil), Kenvar (Kenovar), Barboill (Barrapol), Balliemanach (Middleton), Sanidaig (Sandaig), Grianall (Greenhill), Kerrefergus (Kerrefurgus), Kerrimeanach (Kerremeanach), Kerrenakill (Keranokile), Crossiger (Kerachchrosegar), Mourdott (Murstat), Hogh (Hough), Ballewilling (Balevullin), Kilmaluog (Kilmoluaig), Bist (Beist), Ballenacraganich (Baile nan Cràganach), Bassaboill (Bhasapol), Corenegmore (Cornaigmore), Cornegbeg (Cornaigbeg), Kenway (Kenovay), Belliphedris (Balephetrish), Balwaig (Baluaig), Kirkapoill (Kirkapol), Vaull (Vaul), Sallum (Salum), Ruaig and Muyll (Vuill), Keylis (Caoles), Gott.

This document is written in secretary hand. There is no transcript available for this item.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Digitised copy of the Memorial of the rental of Tiree, 1662, by Ardgour.

Contains rents paid in money and victuals for the west and east ends of Tiree. The following townships are included: Hianenish (Heanish), Baighe (Baugh), Heillieboill and Crossiboill (Heylipol and Crossapol), Ballienoe (Balinoe), Courerse (Cuigeas), Sorobe and Ballimartine (Soroby and Balemartine), Mannall (Manal), Haivenish (Hynish), Eyren (Heren), Balliephaill (Balephuil), Kenvar (Kenovar), Baraboll (Barrapol), Balliemanach (Middleton), Sandaig, Grianall (Greenhill), Kerriefergus (Kerrefurgus), Kerriemeanach (Kerremeanach), Kerri[?]kill (partially illegible, possibly Keranokile), Crossiger (Kerachchrosegar), Mourdott (Murstat), Hodgh (Hough), The Milne (the mill), Balliewilling (Balevullin), Kilmaluag (Kilmoluaig), Bist (Beist), Ballanacraganich (Baile nan Cràganach), Bassaboil (Bhasapol), Corenegmore (Cornaigmore), Corenegbeg (Cornaigbeg), Kenway (Kenovay), Balliefedrus (Balephetrish), Balwaig (Baluaig), Kirkapoill (Kirkapol), Vaul, Shallum (Salum), Ruag and Muyll (Ruaig and Vuill), Keylis (Caoles), Gott.

This document is written in secretary hand. Click to read a transcript of this item.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Digitised copy of the Rental of Tiree by Ardgour, 1662.

Contains rents paid in money and victuals for the west and east ends of Tiree, by Maclean of Ardgour. The following townships are included: Hianenish (Heanish), Baighe (Baugh), Helliboill and Crossiboill (Heylipol and Crossapol), Courerse (Cuigeas), Sorobe and Ballemartine (Soroby and Balemartine), Manuall (Mannal), Haivenish (Hynish), Eyren (Heren), Balllipaill (Balephuil), Kenvar (Kenovar), Barboll (Barrapol), Ballemanoch (Middleton), Saindaig (Sandaig), Grianall (Greenhill), Kerrefergus (Kerreferguss), Kerremanoch (Kerremeanach), Kerrenokill (Kerenokile), Crossiger (Kerachrosegar), Momdrot or Moidrot[?] (Murstat), Hodgh[?] (Hough), The mylne (the mill), Ballliewilling (Balevullin), Kilmaluaig (Kilmoluaig), Bist (Beist), Ballanacraganich (Baile nan Cràganach), Ballaboill (Bhasapol), Cornegmore (Cornaigmore), Cornegbeig (Cornaigbeg), Kenway (Kenovay), Ballefedru[?] (Balephetrish), Balwaig (Baluaig), Kirkapoill (Kirkapol), Vaull (Vaul), Shallum (Salum), Ruag & Muyll (Ruaig and (Vuill), Keylis (Caoles), Gott.

This document is written in secretary hand. There is no transcript for this item.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.



Digitised copy of Memorandum of the rental of the east end of Tiree and of the west end of Tiree, 1662.

Contains the extent of the land measured in mail lands (a unit of land tenure possibly deriving from the Old Norse word mælir), with personal names included in the patronymic form. The townships listed are: Ballemulline (Balevullin), Killimulwaige (Kilmoluaig), Bijt (Beist), Basbwll (Bhasapol), Cornegmore (Cornaigmore), Cornegbeg (Cornaigbeg), Kenivaij (Kenovay), Ballefetrishe (Balephetrish), Kirkboll (Kirkapol), Wall (Vaul), Shallum (Salum), Qwaige & moill (Ruaig and Vuill), Caillis (Caoles), Hienishe (Heanish), Baighe (Baugh), Hilliboll & Crossboll (Heylipol & Crossapol), Balleno (Balinoe), Cw[y]eisse (Cuigeas), Sorribij & Ballemertine (Soroby & Balemartine), Manwell [Mannal], Heynish (Hynish), Herrinnine (Heren), Ballefwill (Balephuil), Kenivar (Kenavara), Barbwll (Barrapol), Ballemeanach (Middleton), Santaige (Sandaig), Grenall (Greenhill), Kerrafergosse (Kerreferguss), Kerremeanach, Kerrenakill (Keranokile), Crossiger (Kerachrosecar), and Mwrdate (Murstat)

This document is written in secretary hand. Click to view a transcript of this item.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Digitised copy of the account for the rental of Aross in Mull, 1669. The document is written in Latin, and mentions the Earl of Argyll, Aros, Allain McCleane of Duart (Sir Allan Maclean, 3rd Baronet and chief of Clan Maclean), and Gululmo Sharp of Stanyhill (possibly Sir William Sharp of Stonyhill).

This document is written in secretary hand. No transcript is available for this item.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.