Tag Archives: argyll estates

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Digitised copy of the Rental of Tiry for 1743. Contains the names of townships, value in mail lands, tenants names and rental values in Scots money and victual (given in bear and meall).

Rent is given in Scots money for: Balliphetrish [Balephetrish], Cornaigbeg, Bassapole [Bhasapol] and Cornaigmore, The Mill thereof Waste, Beist, Balivoulin [Balevullin], Hough, Sandaig, Ballimenoch [Am Baile Meadhanach or Middleton], Greenall [Grianal or Greenhill], Barapole [Barrapol], Kenvarh [Kenavara], Kilmaluag [Kilmoluaig] with the Park [Gorten or the Park], Kelis [Caoles], Ruag [Ruaig], Baugh, Vaull [Vaul], Hianish [Heanish], Gott and Vuill [A’ Bhaoil], Kirkapole [Kirkapol], Salum, Crossapole [Crossapol] and Miln thereof, Heynish [Hynish], Manal [Mannal], Balemartin [Balemartine], Ballephuile [Balephuil], the two ends of Coll, Kennavay [Kenovay], Kilcheynichbeg [Kilkenneth], Kilcheynichmore [Kilkenneth], Kerraventreinvore [?] [Keratrinvoir], Keranakil [Keranokile], Keracrossagar (Kerachrosecar), Kerachusagar [Kerachussegar], Keramenoch [Kerameanoch], Balinoe & Culyeis [Cuigeas], and Heyllipole [Heylipol]. Rent is given in victual for Ballievulin [Balevullin], Balimenoch [Middleton] and Sanlaig [?] [Sandaig], Kelos [Caoles], Baugh, Kennavay, Balinoe and Coulyeis [Cuigeas], Heylipole [Heylipol], Kirkipole [Kirkapol], Salum, and Hianish [Heanish].

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.



Digitised copy letter regarding erecting a pier at Gott Bay, undated (c.1880s). The letter outlines the troubles with constructing a pier at Gott bay, due to the force of the wind and waves particularly during the winter, as well as the high cost of estimates for the work (between £7,000 and £13,360) as well as the cost of maintenance. The writer refers to the reluctance of engineers to undertake the project, and also mentions the Report of the late Western Highlands and Islands Commission. The writer also refers to a recent accident involving a boat being upset in Gott Bay while attending on a steamer. Neither the recipient or writer is identified.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.



Digitised copy of Tiree Estate, Improvements &c done for Crofters, 1878-1885. The list is organised by year and contains details of improvements, repairs to buildings, charity and ‘miscellaneous’ works along with their costs. Works performed include fencing, drainage, ditches, dykes, and roofing. There are records of charitable works, such as supplying seed potatoes to crofters, and providing assistance for replacing a boat, the purchase of livestock, and animals, or for building repairs.

The following names appear in the record, and some names appear more than once:

Lachlan McLean (Cornaigbeg), Malcolm McDougall (removed from Heanish), John McLean (Caoles), Alexander, Neil and Donald McFadyen (Caoles), John McLean (Balephuil), Widow Murdoch Campbell (removed from Balinoe), Widow Catherine McKinnon (Kilmoluaig), Donald McCallum (smith and crofter, possibly Kilmoluaig), Donald McPhee (crofter, Balemartine), Captain William Sinclair (Mannal), Widow Murdoch Brown (Mannal), John McKinnon (Balephuil), Angus McArthur (crofter, Balemartine), John Brown (Mannal), Colin Henderson (Balemartine), Widow Alexander Henderson (Balemartine), Rev John McFarlane (Balinoe), Archibald, Donald and John Campbell (farmers, Balinoe), Neil McKinnon (Moss), John Morrison (son in law of Neil Morrison [deceased], Moss), Donald McDougall (Balephuil), Donald McFarlane (Balemartine), Angus McInnes (Kilmoluaig), Alexander Livingston (Heanish), Rev Duncan McFarlane (Heanish), Hugh McKinnon Junior (crofter and packet man, Heanish), G B Smith & Co (Glasgow), Alexander and John McFadyen (Barrapol), A & J McFadyen (Balemartine), James Brown (Balemartine), Hector McDonald (Caoles & Ardess), Archibald McDonald (Caoles & Ardess),  Widow Neil McKinnon (Heanish), John McDonald (Heanish), Angus Munn (Heanish), Neil Campbell (Balinoe), Archibald McLean (Balemartine), Donald Campbell (Balemartine), Donald McLean, (Balemartine), Widow Mary McLean (Crofter, Vaul), John McPhail (crofter, Cornaigmore), John McLean (crofter, Kilmoluaig), John Cameron (Moss), P & R Fleming & Co (Glasgow), Hector McPhail (Cornaigmore), Hugh McLean Junior (Caoles), Donald Kennedy (Balevulin).

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Digitised copy of a record showing dispossessed crofters in Mannal and Scarinish, 1865. Contains a list of crofters’ names and remarks on their situation.
Mannal: Donald McMillan (carpenter), Donald McLean S[enio]r (in Glasgow), Allan McDonald (assisting on his brother’s farm), Donald McLean J[unio]r (fisherman, occasionally employed on the lighthouse tender), John Lamont (works the Lightkeepers Lands), Alex[ande]r Henderson (crofter), Hugh McLean (keeps a small store), Alexander Shaw (‘deals occasionally’), Colin Campbell (shoemaker, occasionally employed at the lighthouse), John McDonald (dyke builder)
Scarinish: Mary MacLean (supported by son), Donald McDougall (dead, widow keeps a small store), Alex[ande]r McDonald (has a vessel, trading for the British Seaweed Company) Allan McFadyen (owns two smacks), Hugh McKinnon (shoemaker), Neil Macdonald (shoemaker), Neil McKinnon (unemployed), Neil McLean (carpenter), Hector McKinnon (employed in manuring potato ground).

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Digitised copy of Proposed Whitsunday Removals on Tyree Estate, 1865. Contains a list of farms, tenants names, rents, arrears and remarks. The document names: Marion MacPhail (widow, Balinoe), Don[al]d McLachlan (blacksmith from Mull, Balinoe), Murdoch McMillan (Balinoe), Neil Macdonald (Balemartine), John Macdonald (Balemartine), Donald MacLean (Balemartine), Wid(ow) Ann Campbell (Balemartine), James McLean (Balemartine), Hugh McLean (Balemartine), Arch[ibal]d McKinnon (Balephuil), Mal[col]m Macdonald (Balephuil), Lach[la]n McKinnon (Balephuil), Wid[ower] Neil Brown (Balephuil), Arch[ibal]d Brown (Balephuil), Mal[col]m McArthur (Balephuil), Hector McLean (Barrapol), Alex[ande]r MacNeill (Barrapol), Angus MacArthur (Barrapol), Hugh McLean (Caoles), John Macdonald (Gott), Alex[ande]r MacKinnon (Gott), Lach[la]n McPhaden (Heanish), John Munn (Heanish), Arch[ibal]d Brown (Kilkenneth), Hector McDonald (Kilkenneth), Arch[ibal]d Cameron (Kilmoluaig), A + H McLean (widow and unmarried son, Kilmoluaig), Donald McLean (Kilmmoluaig), Wid[ow] Marion Brown (Kilmoluaig), Neil McKinnon (Kilmoluaig), John McEachern (Kenovay)

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Transcript of correspondence regarding a petition made by Isabella Lamont (daughter of Charles Lamont, Ruaig) to the Duke of Argyll. Contains a cover letter from J Wylie to the Duke of Argyll in support of Lamont’s petition, dated 30 June 1890; a copy letter from Hugh McDiarmid (Tiree Factor) to the Duke of Argyll (undated); and the petition from Isabella Lamont (daughter of Charles Lamont, Ruaig) to the Duke of Argyll, dated 27 May 1890.

Lamont requests a site to build a home for herself and her children, both of whom were fathered by Alexander Macdonald (son of Widow Macdonald, Ruaig).

Click to read a transcript of this item. Catalogue entries for the letters are available at 2022.10.1, 2022.10.2.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Digitised copy of a petition made by Isabella Lamont (daughter of Charles Lamont, Ruaig) to the Duke of Argyll for help with accommodation for her and child, dated 27 May 1890. Lamont requests a site to build a home for herself and her children, both of whom were fathered by Alexander Macdonald (son of Widow Macdonald, Ruaig).

See 2021.10.3 for a transcript of this item.

Click to view a record for this item on Inveraray’s online catalogue.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Digitised copy of a letter regarding a petition made by Isabella Lamont (daughter of Charles Lamont, Ruaig) to the Duke of Argyll. Contains a cover letter from J Wylie to the Duke of Argyll in support of Lamont’s petition, dated 30 June 1890 as well as a copy letter from Hugh McDiarmid (Tiree Factor) concerning accommodation for Isabella Lamont and her child (undated).

See 2021.10.3 for a transcript of this item.

Click to view a record for this item on Inveraray’s online catalogue.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Digitised copy of the Account for Aross (Aros), Mull, 1674. This document is written in Latin, and appears to mention Archibald Earl of Argyll, Hector Mclean of Douart, and John Campbell.

This document is written in secretary hand. There is no transcript available for this item.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.

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