Tag Archives: kenovar


Digitised copy of the Extract of the rental of the lands of [Maclean of] Duart, including Tiree, Morvern and Mull, 1662.

Contains rents paid in money and victuals for the west and east ends of Tiree. The following townships are included, with personal names included in the patronymic form: Hianneish (Heanish), Baigh (Baugh), Helliboill and Crossiboill (Heylipol and Crossapol), Ballenoe (Balinoe), Cowzeise (Cuigeas. The z in this historical form is the Scots letter yogh), Sorobie and Ballemarteyn (Soroby and Balemartine), Mannall (Mannal), Hai[?]neish (Hynish), Eyren (Heren), Balephuill (Balephuil), Kenvarr (Kenovar), Barboill (Barrapol), Ballemeanach (Middleton), Samdaig (Sandaig), Grianall (Greenhill), Kerrefergus (Kerreferguss), Kerremeanach (Kerremeanach), Kerrenakill (Kerenokile), Crossiegarr (Kerachrosegar), Mourdott (Murstat), Hodh (Hough), Balliewilling (Balevullin), Kilmaluag (Kilmoluaig), Bist (Beist), Ballenacraganich (Baile nan Cràganach), Bassaboill (Bhasapol), Cornagmore (Cornaigmore), Cornegbeg (Cornaigbeg), Kenvay (Kenovay), Ballephetris (Balephetrish), Balluaig (Baluaig), Kirkapoill (Kirkapol), Vaull (Vaul), Sallum (Sallum), Ruaig and Muyll (Vuill), Keylis (Caoles), Gott.

This document is written in secretary hand. There is no transcript available for this item.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Digitised copy of the Memorial of the rental of Tiree, 1662.

Contains rents paid in money and victuals for the west and east ends of Tiree. The following townships are included:  Hianenish (Heanish), Baighe (Baugh), Holliboill and Crossiboill (Heylipol and Crossapol), Ballenoe (Balinoe), Courerse (Cuigeas), Sorobe and Ballemartin (Soroby and Balemartine), Mannall (Mannal), Haivenish (Hynish), Eyren (Heren), Ballephaill (Balephuil), Kenvar (Kenovar), Barboill (Barrapol), Balliemanach (Middleton), Sanidaig (Sandaig), Grianall (Greenhill), Kerrefergus (Kerrefurgus), Kerrimeanach (Kerremeanach), Kerrenakill (Keranokile), Crossiger (Kerachchrosegar), Mourdott (Murstat), Hogh (Hough), Ballewilling (Balevullin), Kilmaluog (Kilmoluaig), Bist (Beist), Ballenacraganich (Baile nan Cràganach), Bassaboill (Bhasapol), Corenegmore (Cornaigmore), Cornegbeg (Cornaigbeg), Kenway (Kenovay), Belliphedris (Balephetrish), Balwaig (Baluaig), Kirkapoill (Kirkapol), Vaull (Vaul), Sallum (Salum), Ruaig and Muyll (Vuill), Keylis (Caoles), Gott.

This document is written in secretary hand. There is no transcript available for this item.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Digitised copy of the Memorial of the rental of Tiree, 1662, by Ardgour.

Contains rents paid in money and victuals for the west and east ends of Tiree. The following townships are included: Hianenish (Heanish), Baighe (Baugh), Heillieboill and Crossiboill (Heylipol and Crossapol), Ballienoe (Balinoe), Courerse (Cuigeas), Sorobe and Ballimartine (Soroby and Balemartine), Mannall (Manal), Haivenish (Hynish), Eyren (Heren), Balliephaill (Balephuil), Kenvar (Kenovar), Baraboll (Barrapol), Balliemanach (Middleton), Sandaig, Grianall (Greenhill), Kerriefergus (Kerrefurgus), Kerriemeanach (Kerremeanach), Kerri[?]kill (partially illegible, possibly Keranokile), Crossiger (Kerachchrosegar), Mourdott (Murstat), Hodgh (Hough), The Milne (the mill), Balliewilling (Balevullin), Kilmaluag (Kilmoluaig), Bist (Beist), Ballanacraganich (Baile nan Cràganach), Bassaboil (Bhasapol), Corenegmore (Cornaigmore), Corenegbeg (Cornaigbeg), Kenway (Kenovay), Balliefedrus (Balephetrish), Balwaig (Baluaig), Kirkapoill (Kirkapol), Vaul, Shallum (Salum), Ruag and Muyll (Ruaig and Vuill), Keylis (Caoles), Gott.

This document is written in secretary hand. Click to read a transcript of this item.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Digitised copy of the Rental of Tiree, detailing silver and in kind rent, 1680.

Contains rents paid in money and victuals for the west and east ends of Tiree. The following townships are included: Hianish (Heanish), Baigh (Baugh), Hieliboll and Crossaboll (Heylipol and Crossapol), Ballino (Balinoe), Cuzeiss (Cuigeas. The z in this historical form is the Scots letter yogh), Sorob and Balimartin (Soroby and Balemartine), Mannall (Mannal), [one illegible entry], Eiren (Heren), Balliphill (Balephuil), Kenvar, Baroboll (Barrapol), Ballimennach (Middleton), Sandaig, Criannall (Greenhill), Kerrifergus (Kerrefurgus), Kerrimenach (Kerremeanach), Kerrinakill (Keranokile), Crossiger (Kerachrosecar), Murdott (Murstat), Hough, the miln of Hieliboll (the mill of Heylipol), Balliwillnig (Balevullin), Killmaluag (Kilmoluaig), Bilst and Ballinacragarach (Beist and Baile nan Cràganach), Bassaboll (Bhasapol), Cornaigmoir (Cornaigmore), Cornaigbeg, Kenway (Kenovay). Balliphetrais and Ballwaig (Balephetrish and Baluaig), Kirkapoll (Kirkapol), Vaull (Vaul), Sallum (Salum), Ruag and Vwyll (Ruaig and Vuill), Keylis (Caoles), Gott.

This document is written in secretary hand. There is no transcript available for this item.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.



Digitised copy of the Rental of Tiree (in kind) as paid 1652-1675.

Contains rents paid in money and victuals for Tiree. The following townships are included, with some personal names (including Charles Mcleane, Bailie of Tiree): Ballevwllin (Balevullin), Kenavay (Kenovay), Valla (Vaul), Kelisse (Caoles), Shallum (Salum), Ruaige (Ruaig), Kirkapoll (Kirkapol), Gota (Gott), Ballefetrish (Balephetrish) and Balluaig (Baluig), Cornegbeg (Cornaigbeg), Cornaigmor (Cornaigmore), Bassaboill (Bhasapol), Bist (Beist), Killmolwaige (Kilmoluaig), Hoiug (Hough), Mwrdat (Murstat), Killchainich (Kilkenneth), Sandaig, Ballemeanach (Middleton), Barbwll (Barapol), Kenivar (Kenovar), Ballphuill (Balephuil), Heynishe (Hynish), Manvell (Mannal), Ballemartin (Balemartine), Soriby (Soroby), Cwzeiss (Cuigeas. The z in this historical form is the Scots letter yogh), Balleno (Balinoe), Hinilboll and Crosboll (Heylipol and Crossapol), Henishe (Heanish), Bay (Baugh), Herrinine (Heren).

This document is written in secretary hand. There is no transcript available for this item.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.



Digitised copy of the Rental of Tiree by Ardgour, 1662.

Contains rents paid in money and victuals for the west and east ends of Tiree, by Maclean of Ardgour. The following townships are included: Hianenish (Heanish), Baighe (Baugh), Helliboill and Crossiboill (Heylipol and Crossapol), Courerse (Cuigeas), Sorobe and Ballemartine (Soroby and Balemartine), Manuall (Mannal), Haivenish (Hynish), Eyren (Heren), Balllipaill (Balephuil), Kenvar (Kenovar), Barboll (Barrapol), Ballemanoch (Middleton), Saindaig (Sandaig), Grianall (Greenhill), Kerrefergus (Kerreferguss), Kerremanoch (Kerremeanach), Kerrenokill (Kerenokile), Crossiger (Kerachrosegar), Momdrot or Moidrot[?] (Murstat), Hodgh[?] (Hough), The mylne (the mill), Ballliewilling (Balevullin), Kilmaluaig (Kilmoluaig), Bist (Beist), Ballanacraganich (Baile nan Cràganach), Ballaboill (Bhasapol), Cornegmore (Cornaigmore), Cornegbeig (Cornaigbeg), Kenway (Kenovay), Ballefedru[?] (Balephetrish), Balwaig (Baluaig), Kirkapoill (Kirkapol), Vaull (Vaul), Shallum (Salum), Ruag & Muyll (Ruaig and (Vuill), Keylis (Caoles), Gott.

This document is written in secretary hand. There is no transcript for this item.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.



Digitised copy of Petition by Alexander Campbell and other tenants in Tiree, 1803. The petition is submitted by Alexander Campbell, Donald Campbell, Murdoch Campbell, Donald Campbell junior, Angus Campbell, Farquhard Campbell, Hector Campbell, Angus Sinclair, Malcolm Sinclair, John MacInnish, John Carmichael, Donald MacInnish, Donald Campbell, Allan MacLean and Neil McDonald – all tenants of Barrapol and Kenovar.

The petition mentions increase in rents; the division of land into crofts; a penalty of £10; difficulty in disposing of cattle due to distemper; being ‘burtherned and oppressed” by needing to perform services to the Factor and his servants; request to reduce the rent.

Click to read a transcript of this item.

Click to view a record for this item on Inveraray’s online catalogue.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.