Tag Archives: balephuil

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Digitised copy of a map of Tiree, dated 1680. The map shows townships in east and west ‘Tirie’, including: Ballevuline [Balevullin], Killmaluaig [Kilmoluaig], Byst [Beist], Bassaboll [Bhasapol], Cornagmore [Cornaigmore], Cornbeg [Cornaigbeg], Kainvay [Kennovay], Balephetris and Baluaig [Balephetris and Baluaig], Cuilis  [Caoles], Ruaig, Salum, Vall [Vaul], Kerkeboll [Kirkapol] , Vill [A’ Bhaoill], Goat [Gott], Scar[-]nish [Scarinish], Heanish, Bay [Baugh], Hileball [Heylipol] Crasseboll [Crossapol], Baleno [Balinoe], [Qu]heise [Cuigeas], Soreby [Soroby], Balemartine, Manall [Mannal], Heynish [Hynish], [He]rine [Heren], Ballephull [Balephuil], Kainvara [Kenavara], Boraball [Barapoll], Balemenoch [Middleton], Sandaig, Grineall [Greenhill], Killkenith [Kilkenneth], M[-]rdost [Murstat], Hoigh [Hough].

The place names in this record were transcribed by volunteers on the Transcribing Tiree project: Jenny Niven, Dr John Holliday, Rou Worsley, Margaret Worsley, and Freddie Arnold.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.



Digitised copy of the Rental of Tiry for 1743. Contains the names of townships, value in mail lands, tenants names and rental values in Scots money and victual (given in bear and meall).

Rent is given in Scots money for: Balliphetrish [Balephetrish], Cornaigbeg, Bassapole [Bhasapol] and Cornaigmore, The Mill thereof Waste, Beist, Balivoulin [Balevullin], Hough, Sandaig, Ballimenoch [Am Baile Meadhanach or Middleton], Greenall [Grianal or Greenhill], Barapole [Barrapol], Kenvarh [Kenavara], Kilmaluag [Kilmoluaig] with the Park [Gorten or the Park], Kelis [Caoles], Ruag [Ruaig], Baugh, Vaull [Vaul], Hianish [Heanish], Gott and Vuill [A’ Bhaoil], Kirkapole [Kirkapol], Salum, Crossapole [Crossapol] and Miln thereof, Heynish [Hynish], Manal [Mannal], Balemartin [Balemartine], Ballephuile [Balephuil], the two ends of Coll, Kennavay [Kenovay], Kilcheynichbeg [Kilkenneth], Kilcheynichmore [Kilkenneth], Kerraventreinvore [?] [Keratrinvoir], Keranakil [Keranokile], Keracrossagar (Kerachrosecar), Kerachusagar [Kerachussegar], Keramenoch [Kerameanoch], Balinoe & Culyeis [Cuigeas], and Heyllipole [Heylipol]. Rent is given in victual for Ballievulin [Balevullin], Balimenoch [Middleton] and Sanlaig [?] [Sandaig], Kelos [Caoles], Baugh, Kennavay, Balinoe and Coulyeis [Cuigeas], Heylipole [Heylipol], Kirkipole [Kirkapol], Salum, and Hianish [Heanish].

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.



Digitised copy of a letter from John McKinnon to the Duke of Argyll, dated 30 January 1894. In this letter McKinnon (Moss) complains that he was due to inherit a croft from his cousin, Catherine Sinclair (Moss), but that it was claimed by his cousin Neil Sinclair (cottar, Balephuil) and that the Factor, Mr Wyllie, entered Neil Sinclair’s name on the rent book. McKinnon references the work he did to improve the croft, that he took care of his cousin in her old age, and his current hardships. He was summoned by Mr Sproat (Procurator Fiscal) in Tobermory and failing his appearance was told his cow would be poinded. McKinnon also mentions that Sinclair was one of the first to take up their abode in Moss.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.



Digitised copy of Tiree Estate, Improvements &c done for Crofters, 1878-1885. The list is organised by year and contains details of improvements, repairs to buildings, charity and ‘miscellaneous’ works along with their costs. Works performed include fencing, drainage, ditches, dykes, and roofing. There are records of charitable works, such as supplying seed potatoes to crofters, and providing assistance for replacing a boat, the purchase of livestock, and animals, or for building repairs.

The following names appear in the record, and some names appear more than once:

Lachlan McLean (Cornaigbeg), Malcolm McDougall (removed from Heanish), John McLean (Caoles), Alexander, Neil and Donald McFadyen (Caoles), John McLean (Balephuil), Widow Murdoch Campbell (removed from Balinoe), Widow Catherine McKinnon (Kilmoluaig), Donald McCallum (smith and crofter, possibly Kilmoluaig), Donald McPhee (crofter, Balemartine), Captain William Sinclair (Mannal), Widow Murdoch Brown (Mannal), John McKinnon (Balephuil), Angus McArthur (crofter, Balemartine), John Brown (Mannal), Colin Henderson (Balemartine), Widow Alexander Henderson (Balemartine), Rev John McFarlane (Balinoe), Archibald, Donald and John Campbell (farmers, Balinoe), Neil McKinnon (Moss), John Morrison (son in law of Neil Morrison [deceased], Moss), Donald McDougall (Balephuil), Donald McFarlane (Balemartine), Angus McInnes (Kilmoluaig), Alexander Livingston (Heanish), Rev Duncan McFarlane (Heanish), Hugh McKinnon Junior (crofter and packet man, Heanish), G B Smith & Co (Glasgow), Alexander and John McFadyen (Barrapol), A & J McFadyen (Balemartine), James Brown (Balemartine), Hector McDonald (Caoles & Ardess), Archibald McDonald (Caoles & Ardess),  Widow Neil McKinnon (Heanish), John McDonald (Heanish), Angus Munn (Heanish), Neil Campbell (Balinoe), Archibald McLean (Balemartine), Donald Campbell (Balemartine), Donald McLean, (Balemartine), Widow Mary McLean (Crofter, Vaul), John McPhail (crofter, Cornaigmore), John McLean (crofter, Kilmoluaig), John Cameron (Moss), P & R Fleming & Co (Glasgow), Hector McPhail (Cornaigmore), Hugh McLean Junior (Caoles), Donald Kennedy (Balevulin).

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Digitised copy of a letter from the Board of Supervision, to the Duke of Argyll, dated 26 November 1885 regarding the care of paupers in Tiree. A copy letter from D McPhail, Inspector of Poor in Tiree, dated 26 October 1885, is enclosed. McPhail writes regarding the death of Janet McLean or McFadyen (pauper, Balinoe) who lived alone and was found dead in her house. A copy of the medical certificate signed by Alexander Buchanan is included. McPhail observes that ‘we may have more cases of the same kind’ and that ‘the above is the second death in a house alone within the parish this year’.

Also enclosed is a list of paupers living alone in the Parish of Tiree, dated 16 November 1885: Ann McKinnon (Balinoe), Hector McLean (Balinoe), Cath[erine] McDougall (Balephuil), Marion Kennedy (Balevullin), Christina McDonald (Caoles), Mary Brown (Caoles), Mary Campbell (Ernal), Cath[erine] McLean (Ernal), Cath[erine] McFadyen (Heanish), Ann McLean (Hynish), Hannah McDonald (Kenovay), Cath[erine] McKinnon (Mannal), Flora Brown (Sandaig), Malcolm McDonald (Scarinish), Cath[erine] McKinnon (Scarinish), Flora Cameron (Ruaig), Arch[ibal]d McLeod (Vaul). McPhail notes the types of support they receive from the Parochial Board (including ‘necessary clothing and an allowance of soap’).

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Digitised copy of a letter from John G Campbell to the Duke of Argyll, 8 May 1865. Campbell sends a report on the state of Tiree schools; the increasing number of scholars in Kirkapol; the need for a stand for children’s plaids and shawls in wet weather; bringing the school under government inspection; attendance at Balephuil; remarks on the teacher at Balephuil; remarks on Mr McCowan at Balevullin; declining attendance at Free Church schools; presentation of prizes by Mr Geekie; aversion to emigration and comments on the reasons for this.

Attached is a table entitled ‘Schools in the Island of Tiree Examined March 1865’ containing data for Kirkapol, Heylipol, Balevullin, Balephuil, and Cornaig. Contains figures for: the number attending; number present at examination; number on the roll studying reading, writing, arithmetic, English grammar, geography, Latin, Greek, geometry and mathematics, algebra, book-keeping.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Digitised copy of Proposed Whitsunday Removals on Tyree Estate, 1865. Contains a list of farms, tenants names, rents, arrears and remarks. The document names: Marion MacPhail (widow, Balinoe), Don[al]d McLachlan (blacksmith from Mull, Balinoe), Murdoch McMillan (Balinoe), Neil Macdonald (Balemartine), John Macdonald (Balemartine), Donald MacLean (Balemartine), Wid(ow) Ann Campbell (Balemartine), James McLean (Balemartine), Hugh McLean (Balemartine), Arch[ibal]d McKinnon (Balephuil), Mal[col]m Macdonald (Balephuil), Lach[la]n McKinnon (Balephuil), Wid[ower] Neil Brown (Balephuil), Arch[ibal]d Brown (Balephuil), Mal[col]m McArthur (Balephuil), Hector McLean (Barrapol), Alex[ande]r MacNeill (Barrapol), Angus MacArthur (Barrapol), Hugh McLean (Caoles), John Macdonald (Gott), Alex[ande]r MacKinnon (Gott), Lach[la]n McPhaden (Heanish), John Munn (Heanish), Arch[ibal]d Brown (Kilkenneth), Hector McDonald (Kilkenneth), Arch[ibal]d Cameron (Kilmoluaig), A + H McLean (widow and unmarried son, Kilmoluaig), Donald McLean (Kilmmoluaig), Wid[ow] Marion Brown (Kilmoluaig), Neil McKinnon (Kilmoluaig), John McEachern (Kenovay)

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Digitised copy of a letter from John G Campbell to the Duke of Argyll, dated 17 September 1864. Campbell discusses school prizes offered by the Duke, and the winners of the prizes; details of the examination held at Moss Church, attended by Mr Geekie, Dr Buchanan and Mr John McLean (Cornaig); problems with teachers, including those at Sandaig and Heylipol, and the difficulty in getting new teachers; the need to improve the school house at Heylipol; lack of schooling provision in the west end of the island; closure of the assembly school in Balevullin; difficulties with the Crois teacher (‘a mere boy & a teacher only in name’) and the lack of schooling over the winter in that part of the island; the achievements of John McLean (Cornaig) at College in Glasgow.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.

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