Wall calendar 2009 by Bernard D. Smith & Son – general builders and contractors
Card wall calendar (2009) by Bernard D. Smith & Son – general builders and contractors, showing a colour photograph of the coal puffer boat “Cle?shira” in Scarinish Harbour ca 1960.
Audio cassette recording of Donald Archie MacLean of Kenovay talking to Maggie Campbell in May 2004.
Donald Archie MacLean (Dòmhnall Eàirdsidh a’ Mhuilinn) of Kenovay talking to Maggie Campbell in May 2004 about the ‘Gual Righ’ at the bottom of the Kenovay Road, old stories about Tearlach Iseabail who used to sell coal from the house, and how he feels about the house being knocked down and another built in its place.
Audio cassette recording of Donald Archie MacLean of Kenovay talking to Maggie Campbell in December 1999.
Donald Archie MacLean (Dòmhnall Eàirdsidh a’ Mhuilinn) talks to Maggie Campbell in December 1999 about his childhood in Kenovay, collecting coal with horses and carts from puffers on the beach and the hard work involved, the people who lived in Kenovay including the carpenter and Rob MacMaster, his father who sold meat in Kenovay and Calum MacKinnon who had the butcher’s shop in Scarinish, the difference in the rules and regulations today, the kindness of people in Scarinish, and his hopes for the new century. Tha Dòmhnall Eàirdsidh a’ Mhuilinn a’ bruidhinn ri Magaidh Chaimbeul anns an Dùbhlachd 1999 mu laithean-oige ann an Ceann a’ Bhàigh, a’ cruinneachadh gual le each is cairt o bhàtaichean guail air an tràigh agus an obair cruaidh a bha ’nn, na daoine a bha a’ fuireach ann an Ceann a’ Bhàigh, a’ gabhail a steach an soar, Rob ’Ic a’ Mhaighstir, athair a bha reic feòil ann an Ceann a’ Bhàigh agus Calum ’Ic Fhioghainn aig an robh bùth ann an Sgairinnis, na riaghailtean is na laghan a tha ’nns an latha an diugh, coibhneas muinntir Sgairinnis agus a dhòchas airson an linn ùr.
Black and white photograph of a coal puffer on Gott Bay from a small album from Silversands.
`Bata guail ann an Camus Ghot` (the coal boat in Gott Bay) from a small album from Silversands, Vaul, titled `Idle Days` probably dating from the 1920s or early 1930s.
Black and white photograph of a coal puffer on Gott Bay from a small album from Silversands.
`Bata guail ann an Camus Ghot` (the coal boat in Gott Bay) from a small album from Silversands, Vaul, titled `Idle Days` probably dating from the 1920s or early 1930s.
Binder `The Island of Tiree 1941 – 1943` containing an account of George Holleyman’s time on Tiree, plus 123 related photographs.
Account by RAF policeman and amateur archaeologist George Holleyman FSA of his time on Tiree between September 1941 and June 1943. Includes seventy-five photographs taken on Tiree by George Holleyman between September 1941 and June 1943, and forty-eight black and white photographs/postcards taken by unknown photographer(s). George Holleyman carried out significant amounts of pioneering archaeological work in Sussex during the first half of the 20th century along with Drs. Eliot and Cecil Curwen. He was made a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries in 1949.