Typical crofter’s work clothing displayed during the Agriculture exhibition in 2012: blue denim dungarees, blue denim jacket, checked cotton shirt, green/grey cloth cap, green rain hat, red neck scarf, black belt, sturdy walking boots.
Associated People: Fletcher, Mr John, Balemartine
Black & white photograph of Fire Service personnel at an event, possibly an award ceremony, at the Lodge or Scarinish Hotel around 1990. Back L-R: Fire Master J Jameson; Councillor I Bell; Volunteer Leading Fireman Stewart Langley, Kirkapol; SDO Martin, Volunteer Leading Fireman Ian MacLeod, Kilmoluaig. Front L-R: Volunteer Fireman Alasdair MacDonald, Mannal (wearing a medal); Mary Flora MacDonald, Mannal; Mrs Josie Fletcher, Balemartine; Volunteer Fireman John Fletcher, Balemartine (wearing a medal); Vice Convener J Donnolly.
Photograph of the Napier Commission play at An Talla in 2006
Colour photograph of Tiree amateur actors performing scenes from a play about the Napier Commission 1883 into the living conditions and treatment of crofters during the 1800s. Directed by Mabel MacArthur and performed at An Talla during the A` Bhuain homecoming in spring 2006. On stage (L-R): Barbara MacIntyre, Gott; John Fletcher, Balemartine; John Bowler, Balephuil (as Lord Napier); unknown; Lachie Brown, Balevullin; Mark Beese, Kilmoluaig; John MacLean, Balephuil; `Bear` MacKinnon, Balinoe; Alasdair `Billy the Post`. Original held on CD in filing cabinet 10 drawer 1.
Children`s `spinning numbers` toys
Two handmade cardboard discs pierced by matches, with numbers written onto coloured sections, to form a spinning number-selector, similar to those made by children for their games. Made by John Fletcher, Balemartine, in Nov. 2012 for An Iodhlann for a visit by Primary School children.
Glass butter churn made around 1900 with metal handle and turning mechanism, and replacement wooden paddle. Last used by Mairi Campbell in the 1950s to make butter in the winter when the cows produced much less milk. The original paddle rotted and the replacement made by John Fletcher, Balemartine, in 2010. Spare replacement paddle included.
Mini-disk recording of John Fletcher, Balemartine talking to Maggie Campbell in March 2005.
John Fletcher of Balemartine talks to Maggie Campbell in March 2005 about thatched and tarred roof houses.
Video recording of an unknown BBC programme about boarded out children broadcast in 1996.
Programme about children boarded out to Hebridean islands, the work they did on the crofts and how they were treated, featuring Hector MacPhail of Ruaig, Bernie Smith of West Hynish, Jean MacCallum of Balevullin, Robert Gray of Balemartine, Tommy Monaghan of Heanish and John Fletcher of Balemartine.
Audio cassette recording of John Fletcher of Balemartine talking to Maggie Campbell on 22/1/2004
John Fletcher of Balemartine talks to Maggie Campbell in January 2004 about talks about his memories of fishing as a young boy, helping launch the boats from Port an Tobair, fishing with the lion mhòr and the lion bheag, the different types of fish caught, good fishing spots, hooks, bait, rods and nets, how fish were preserved, seafood, creel fishing for crayfish and some of the fishermen on Tiree in past times. Iain Mac an Fhleisdeir o Baile Màrtainn a’ bruidhinn ri Mairead Chaimbeul anns am Faoilteach 2004 a’ cuimhneachadh mu dheidhinn a bhith ag iasgach na bhalach beag – cuideachadh na bodaich a’ cuir na bàtaichean don mhuir aig Port an Tobair, ag iasgach le lion mhòr agus lion bheag, na h-iasg a bhitheadh iad a’ glacadh agus mar a’ bhitheadh iad a’ glèidheadh an iasg, àiteachan comharraichean, dubhain, bior-èisg, ag iasgach airson giomaich Spàinnteach agus sgeulach neo dha mu dheidhinn na h-iasgairean ann a Tiriodh fo chionn fhada.