Tag Archives: cultivation

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Paragraph about the introduction of the potato to the Hebrides from “General View of the Agriculture of the Hebrides” by James MacDonald A.M.

Typed transcript of a paragraph about the introduction of the potato to the Hebrides in 1743, by James MacDonald. It describes the reluctance of the tenants to grow potatoes and the eventual domination in their diet.


Display texts and photographs from a lecture given by Robert Beck at the Royal (Dick) Veterinary School

Collection of texts and photographs that accompanied a lecture about horses given by Robert Beck, Ruaig, when he was a lecturer at the Royal (Dick) Veterinary School, Edinburgh, in the 1970s. Includes pages of hand written notes, photographs of horse-drawn carriages and carts, labelled diagrams of horse harness, four Farm Equipment Sheets from the Scottish Country Life Museums Trust showing diagrams of horse-drawn farm equipment entitled `Hay Bogies`, `Farm Carts`, `Hay and Harvest Carts` and `The Hay Harvest`.


Colour photograph of an old reaper and binder at Tufthill Farm in East Cape, South Africa.

An old reaper and binder used by the descendants of Marion and Donald MacNeill from Hough who emigrated to South Africa in the 1870s or 1880s and settled at Tufthill Farm in the Eastern Cape (see photo K157).


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