Home-made wood & brass cribbage board or cròthan, a popular game on board ships. Probably made by Vaul boat-builders.
Tag Archives: toys and solitary games
Small brown paper packet encouraging children to “Save the toys – and send for a model farmyard”, from the 1930s. Found in ‘Four Winds’, Kilmoluaig.
Click here to view 2015.59.3
Photocopied article `Scarinish & Upper Balinoe` by Derek Clarke.
Article published in the Journal of the N Gauge Society, no. 6, 2005, about a model railway built by Derek Clarke in Scarinish, for which he was awarded the PECO CUP in 2006.
Click here to view 2006.116.1
Audio cassette recording of Hugh MacLean of Barrapol talking to John Donald MacLean in May 1998.
Hugh MacLean (Eòghann Dhòmhnaill Eòghainn Mhòir) of Barrapol talks to John Donald MacLean (Teòn Dòmhnall a’ Mhuilinn) about shipwrecks around the Tiree coasts, seamen’s burial grounds, fishing, shooting cormorants and geese, seaweed as food, the changes in people’s diet and children’s toys, his first bike, self-taught pipers and fiddlers, the genealogy of Pipe Major John MacDonald, the names of Kennavara’s cliffs and caves, and Heylipol School. Tha Eòghann Dhòmhnaill Eòghainn Mhòir a Goirtean Dòmhnall a’ bruidhinn ri Teòn Dòmhnall a’ Mhuilinn mu na luing-bhriste a tha mun cuairt cladaichean Thiriodh, cladha na maraiche, iasgach, a’ sealg sgairbh agus geòidh, ùis feamainn na biadh, na h-atharrachaidhean ann an biadh dhaoine agus dèideagan cloinne, a’ cheud rothair a bha aige fhèin, pìobairean agus fidhlearan a ionnsaich iad fhèin, Màidsear Pìobaireachd Iain Mhic Dhòmhnaill, ainmeannan agus uaimh Cheann a’ Bhara agus Sgoil na Mòintich.
Black and white photograph of Elizabeth Milne and Hector MacKinnon, 1917.
Elizabeth Gibb nee Milne (Jean Lyndsay`s mother) with dolls` pram and Hector MacInnes with picnic baskets, taken in 1917.