Associated People: MacLean, Mr John Donald, Crossapol


Audio cassette recording of Donneil Kennedy talking to John Donald MacLean in June 1998.

Donneil Kennedy talks to John Donald MacLean (Teòn Dòmhnall a’ Mhuilinn) in June 1998 about the history of the knitwear factory, the sinking of the ferry Loch Seaforth in 1973, anecdotes about Hector Kennedy, Malcolm MacLean of Salum and John Kennedy of Crossapol, the pre-war shops on Tiree, the ghost at Island House, the appointment of vet Jimmy Wilson in 1973, the problems installing septic tanks, his uncle AndrewYoung’s war experiences, expeditions by horse and cart in the 1930s and his memories of Argyll County Council around 1970.


Audio cassette recording of Anneen Black talking to John Donald MacLean in June 1998.

Anneen Black (Anneen Mhòr Lachainn Iain) of Ruaig talks to John Donald MacLean (Teòn Dòmhnall a’ Mhuilinn) about her holidays each year on Tiree since childhood, friends and social visits, genealogy, Ruaig Post Office, church and Sunday School, Ruaig School, the achievements of Tiree people, her uncle Donald Lamont MBE, her life as a teacher/headmistress and advisor to Primary Education Services in Glasgow.


Audio cassette recording of David MacClounnan of Balephuil talking to John Donald MacLean in February 1998.

David MacClounnan (Dàibhidh na Croige) of Balephuil talks to John Donald MacLean (Teòn Dòmhnall a’ Mhuilinn) about fishing for cod and herring, drying fish, the fishing smacks of West Hynish, the construction of the thatched house in Bail’ Ur and their owners, old stories about fairies, the Old New Year, gathering seafood, the piper who went into the cave at Kennavara, a water diviner, place-names in East and West Hynish, the Norsemen, World War I and Skerryvore. Tha Dàibhidh na Croige a Baile Phuill a’ bruidhinn ri Teòn Dòmhnall a’ Mhuilinn mu iasgach truisg agus sgadan, tiormachadh èisg, bàtaichean èisg nan Cuiltean, na taighean-tugha a chaidh a thogail anns a’ Bhail’ Ùr agus na daoine a bu leis iad, seann naidheachdan mu shìthichean, an t-seann Bliadhna Ùr, a’ cruinneachadh biadh-cladaich, am pìobair a chaidh a steach don uaimh aig Ceann a’ Bhara, fàistinneach-uisge, ainmeannan-aite ann am Ear ’s ann Iar Haoidhnis, na Lochlannaich, a’ Cheud Chogadh agus an Sgeir Mhòr.


Audio cassette recording of Hugh MacLean of Barrapol talking to John Donald MacLean in May 1998.

Hugh MacLean (Eòghann Dhòmhnaill Eòghainn Mhòir) of Barrapol talks to John Donald MacLean (Teòn Dòmhnall a’ Mhuilinn) about shipwrecks around the Tiree coasts, seamen’s burial grounds, fishing, shooting cormorants and geese, seaweed as food, the changes in people’s diet and children’s toys, his first bike, self-taught pipers and fiddlers, the genealogy of Pipe Major John MacDonald, the names of Kennavara’s cliffs and caves, and Heylipol School. Tha Eòghann Dhòmhnaill Eòghainn Mhòir a Goirtean Dòmhnall a’ bruidhinn ri Teòn Dòmhnall a’ Mhuilinn mu na luing-bhriste a tha mun cuairt cladaichean Thiriodh, cladha na maraiche, iasgach, a’ sealg sgairbh agus geòidh, ùis feamainn na biadh, na h-atharrachaidhean ann an biadh dhaoine agus dèideagan cloinne, a’ cheud rothair a bha aige fhèin, pìobairean agus fidhlearan a ionnsaich iad fhèin, Màidsear Pìobaireachd Iain Mhic Dhòmhnaill, ainmeannan agus uaimh Cheann a’ Bhara agus Sgoil na Mòintich.


Audio cassette recording of David MacClounnan of Balephuil talking to John Donald MacLean in June 1998.

David MacClounnan (Dàibhidh na Croige) of Balephuil talks to John Donald MacLean (Teòn Dòmhnall a’ Mhuilinn) of Crossapol about himself and Flòraidh Bhàird going home by bicycle, fishing, the caves around ‘cowrie shell beach’, the hanging island, a mermaid found at Diobadal in Hynish, Hynish pier and Skerryvore lighthouse, a well in Balephuil, beach-combing, forts, second sight, the first tractor in Tiree, a fairy woman, old funerals and funeral costs.


Audio cassette recording of Hugh MacLean of Barrapol talking to John Donald MacLean in March 1998.

Hugh MacLean (Eòghann Dhòmhnaill Eòghainn Mhòir) of Barrapol talks to John Donald MacLean (Teòn Dòmhnall a’ Mhuilinn)about Tiree bards, the wreck of the Vivo and other ships, a cobbler in Mannal, collecting peat from the Ross of Mull, the fiddler of Sandaig and his genealogy, the kelp industry, the factor Iain Campbell, temperance, the weather, diet, agricultural methods, the beaches, cars and the arrival of the first plane; Hugh also sings some songs and plays a number of tunes on the electronic bagpipes. Tha Eòghann Dhòmhnaill Eòghainn Mhòir a Goirtean Dòmhnaill a’ bruidhinn ri Teòn Dòmhnall a’ Mhuilinn mu na bàird Thirisdeach, mun lon-bhriseadh Vivo agus bàtaichean eile, greusaiche a Mannal, a’ toir mòine on Ross Mhuileach, fidhleir Shandaig agus a shloinntearachd, obair a’ cheilp, am bàillidh Iain Caimbeul, measarrachd, an tìde, obair fearainn, na tràighean, carbadan agus mar a thàinig a cheud itealan; tha Eòghann cuideachd a’ seinn òrain agus a’ cluich fonn air a’ phìob eleactronaich.


Audio cassette recording of Hugh MacLean of Barrapol talking to John Donald MacLean in 1997.

Hugh MacLean (Eòghann Dhòmhnaill Eòghainn Mhòr) of Barrapol talks to John Donald MacLean in 1997 about shipwrecks on Tiree’s coast, a song about the Vivo composed by John Brown of Kilmoluaig, the burial ground of a shipwrecked crew at Balevullin, the healthy diet of his younger days, changes in the fishing grounds, shooting duck, geese and cormorants, eating seafood and seaweed, his school-days at Heylipol School, his interest in piping and Tiree pipers and fiddlers, the names of the cliffs caves and fishing rocks at Kennavara and his wartime experiences. Tha Eòghann Dhòmhnaill Eòghainn Mhòr a Goirtean Dòmhnall a’ bruidhinn ri Teòn Dòmhnall a’ Mhuilinn ann an 1997 mu na luing-bhriseadh air na tràighean mun cuairt Thiriodh, òran a chaidh a’ sgrìobhadh mun Vivo le Iain ’IcIllDhuinn a Cill Moluaig, an cladh aig sgioba long-bhriseadh ann am Baile Mhuilinn, am biadh fallain a fhuair e ann an làithean òige, atharrachaidhean ann àiteachan iasgaich, an t-sealgaireachd lacha, geòidh agus sgairbh, ag itheadh biadh-cladaich agus feamainn, a làithean-sgoile an Sgoil na Mòintich, a spies ann am pìobaireachd, pìobairean agus fìdhlearan Thiriodh, ainmeannan nan stùcannan, uamhan agus carraigean ann an Ceann a’ Bhara agus deuchainn an àm a’ chogaidh.