Three pieces of worked serpentine stone and/or green marble made by Hugh MacLean, Barrapol. One may have been intended as a paperweight, while the other two may have been intended as pendants.
Associated People: MacLean, Mr Hugh, Barrapol (1916 - 2002)
Peter-dum-dick toy
Child`s toy made of the iron heel of a hob-nailed boot, twisted string and short length of wood. Known as a `Peter-dum-dick` and possibly used as a catapult or for making clacking noises. Presented to Alan Boyd by Hugh MacLean, Barrapol, around 1985.
CD of BBC Radio Scotland programmes “Hebridean War” 2006, featuring the voices of Angus Munn and Hugh MacLean, both Tiree
BBC Radio Scotland programmes “Hebridean War” (WWII) on CD featuring recordings of Angus Munn and Hugh MacLean that were leant to Radio Scotland by An Iodhlann to make the programmes. Includes a letter from Mary Ann Kennedy (Watercolour Music) thanking John Holliday (An Iodhlann chairperson) and Catriona MacLeod (Archivist) for their help.
Audio cassette recording of Hugh Maclean of Barrapol talking to Dr John Holliday in September 1998.
Hugh MacLean (Eòghann Dhòmhnaill Eòghainn Mhòir) talks to Dr John Holliday in September 1998 about his upbringing, the early days of WWII, HMS Sturdy and other shipwrecks, the Home Guard, the crash of the Sylvia Scarlett and the mid-air collision of two Halifaxes, the Home Guard v. RAF shooting match, shops, diet and ration books, medical services and Dr Hunter, social life, dances and film shows, Italian POWs, the raising of the Loch Seaforth and meeting the German tug captain.
Audio cassette recording of a Feis talk with Hector MacPhail, Hugh and Angus MacLean in 1997.
Feis Thiriodh talk in July 1996 with Hector MacPhail of Ruaig, Hugh MacLean of Barrapol and Angus MacLean of Scarinish answering questions from the public about mills and millers at Cornaigmore and Milton, township names, peat bogs in Coll and Mull, lazy beds, thatched houses, the clearances of 1875-7, crofting, erosion, horses, Land Leagues and land tenure, whiskey distilling, shipwrecks and HMS Sturdy.
Audio cassette recording of Hugh MacLean of Barrapol talking to John Donald MacLean in March 1998.
Hugh MacLean (Eòghann Dhòmhnaill Eòghainn Mhòir) of Barrapol talks to John Donald MacLean (Teòn Dòmhnall a’ Mhuilinn)about Tiree bards, the wreck of the Vivo and other ships, a cobbler in Mannal, collecting peat from the Ross of Mull, the fiddler of Sandaig and his genealogy, the kelp industry, the factor Iain Campbell, temperance, the weather, diet, agricultural methods, the beaches, cars and the arrival of the first plane; Hugh also sings some songs and plays a number of tunes on the electronic bagpipes. Tha Eòghann Dhòmhnaill Eòghainn Mhòir a Goirtean Dòmhnaill a’ bruidhinn ri Teòn Dòmhnall a’ Mhuilinn mu na bàird Thirisdeach, mun lon-bhriseadh Vivo agus bàtaichean eile, greusaiche a Mannal, a’ toir mòine on Ross Mhuileach, fidhleir Shandaig agus a shloinntearachd, obair a’ cheilp, am bàillidh Iain Caimbeul, measarrachd, an tìde, obair fearainn, na tràighean, carbadan agus mar a thàinig a cheud itealan; tha Eòghann cuideachd a’ seinn òrain agus a’ cluich fonn air a’ phìob eleactronaich.
Audio cassette recording of Hugh MacLean of Barrapol talking to John Donald MacLean in May 1998.
Hugh MacLean (Eòghann Dhòmhnaill Eòghainn Mhòir) of Barrapol talks to John Donald MacLean (Teòn Dòmhnall a’ Mhuilinn) about shipwrecks around the Tiree coasts, seamen’s burial grounds, fishing, shooting cormorants and geese, seaweed as food, the changes in people’s diet and children’s toys, his first bike, self-taught pipers and fiddlers, the genealogy of Pipe Major John MacDonald, the names of Kennavara’s cliffs and caves, and Heylipol School. Tha Eòghann Dhòmhnaill Eòghainn Mhòir a Goirtean Dòmhnall a’ bruidhinn ri Teòn Dòmhnall a’ Mhuilinn mu na luing-bhriste a tha mun cuairt cladaichean Thiriodh, cladha na maraiche, iasgach, a’ sealg sgairbh agus geòidh, ùis feamainn na biadh, na h-atharrachaidhean ann an biadh dhaoine agus dèideagan cloinne, a’ cheud rothair a bha aige fhèin, pìobairean agus fidhlearan a ionnsaich iad fhèin, Màidsear Pìobaireachd Iain Mhic Dhòmhnaill, ainmeannan agus uaimh Cheann a’ Bhara agus Sgoil na Mòintich.