Tag Archives: contractors


Collection of assorted croft and household receipts paid by John MacKinnon of Lodge Farm, Kirkapol.

Assorted croft and household receipts paid by John MacKinnon of Lodge Farm, Kirkapol including a 1940 bill from J. H. MacDonald for a coffin, a 1940 bill from D. & H. MacArthur Stores in Scarinish a 1934 bill from joiner and contractor Hugh MacDonald of Kenovay, a 1949 wireless licence and a 1975 bill from Andrew Irvine, Tighnabruaich.


Audio cassette recording of a ceilidh with Angus and Nella Munn, Neil and Vivienne Johnston and Dr John Holliday in 2000.

Angus Munn and Neil Johnston talk about electrician and builder Angus MacRae who was the first man to install TVs in Tiree and had a shop in Baugh, the inebriate MacEwan who was a professional golfer, the 18-hole golf course in Scarinish, the crofts in Heanish, Angus’s relations in Heanish, Captain MacKinnon’s relationship to the Nisbets, John Munn and his shop and horse-drawn van, the puffer Mary & Effie unloading at Port a’ Mhuilinn and the fishing boats that used to sail from this harbour.


Photocopied newspaper article about Tiree.

Local news about the dinner for the pier contractors employees at Scarinish Hotel provided by Lord Archibald Campbell and the speech given Lady Frances Balfour.


Audio cassette recording of Lachie MacArthur of Mannal talking to Maggie Campbell in January 2001.

Lachie MacArthur of Mannal talks to Maggie Campbell in January 2001 about his work for 32 years as a lorry contractor and one year as a postman, the great benefit of the rubbish skips to the island, his late father’s accidental death by drowning in 1954, the cargo boats `Loch Ard` and `Loch Carron` and the coal puffer `Moonlight`, and fishing out of Balemartine the ‘The Bank’ for cod and flounders. Lachlann ’ic Artair a Manal a’ bruidhinn ri Magaidh Chaimbeul anns an Fhaoilteach 2001 mun obair aige na fear-cùmhnantachaidh airson dha dheug air fhichead bliadhna agus aon bhliadhna na phòsta, am feum mòr a tha na sgudail a’ deànamh air an eilean, athair nach maireann a bha ann an tubaist-bàthaidh ann an 1954, bàtaichean-luchdaich An Loch Ard agus An Loch Carron agus am bàta-guail Moonlight, agus am banca iasgaich airson trosg agus leòbagan.


Colour photograph of the `Oldies` football team in July 2000.

The `Oldies` football team who played against the women`s team on the Reef in July 2000. L-R: (back) Dr John Holliday, Baugh; Donald MacDonald, Vaul; Bernie Smith, West Hynish; Stuart Smith, Crossapol; Iain Gillies, Scarinish; Roddy MacKay, Balemartine; Hugh MacInnes, Salum; (front) Gordon Connell, Crossapol; Ronnie MacGowan, Heylipol; Gordon Scott, Cornaigmore; Alan Worsley, Crossapol.



Colour photograph of John MacKinnon and his workmen outside John George MacLean`s house in Scarinish.

Outside John George MacLean`s house in Scarinish in the 1980s L-R: John MacKinnon (Iain Aonghais), Kilmoluaig; Hector Brown, Balevullin; Iain MacDonald, Balemartine; Archie MacArthur, Barrapol; Murdoch MacLean, Kilmoluaig; Iain MacFarlane, Hynish; Iain MacKinnon (Iain Aonghais` son), Kilmoluaig; Jeff Gladwell (Neebs).
