Tag Archives: vets

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Careers article from the ‘Vet Record’ magazine, April 2019, about Tiree’s new vet Anne Stanely, and life in the islands for her and her husband Mark.

Click here to view 2020.55.1


Collection of items belonging to the Tiree Agricultural Society, 1988-1990: (1) typed schedule for the Horticultural section of the Tiree Agricultural Show, August 1989, (2) letter from  Donald Harrison of the Scottish Agricultural Colleges Advisory Service (SAC) to Grace MacKinnon of the Agric. Society, 1990, (3) declaration – ‘movement of sheep which have been dipped’ signed by Pat Boyd, Kenovay, 1988, and (4) black & white photograph of Mr R Cameron.


Accounting book belonging to Robert Nisbet, Heanish, containing records of amounts spent on (1) fencing materials for croft apportionment and the Scarinish-Heanish boundary in 1972, including the share of the costs for Nisbet and DA Cameron, and labour paid to Neil MacNeill for fencing work, (2) supplies from Boots the Chemists, Oban, 1948-1952, (3) goods from Cook & Blair, Greenock, 1948-1952, (3) goods from Cooper, McDougall & Robertson, Glasgow, 1947-1952, (3) insurance from the Co-operative Insurance Society, Glasgow, 1946-1952, (4) goods and services from George & Jobling, Glasgow, 1949-1952, (5) goods from Speedwell Lubricants, London, 1949-1951, (6) goods from Duncan MacDougall, Oban, 1950-1952, (7) goods from Kilmarnock Equitable Co-op Society, 1948-1950, (8) goods from J&D Hilston, Lanark, 1948-1952, (9) goods from McGill & Smith, Ayr, 1948-1952, (10)  goods from MacFarlan Shearer & Co., Greenock, 1948-1952, (11) goods from Scottish Agricultural Industries, Glasgow, 1948-1952, (12) services from GPO – Telephone Manager, Glasgow, 1949-1951, (13) bull services of the Scarinish Hotel, 1950, (14) veterinary services of DS Brown, Oban, 1951-1952, (15) rent to the Duke of Argyll, 1949-1952, (16) membership of the Highland Cattle Society of Scotland, 1949-1951, (17) subscription to the Scottish Farmer newspaper, Glasgow, 1951-1952. The accounting book itself is titled “The Guildhall series of stock rulings”.


Newsletter `An Tirisdeach`, No. 432, 13/12/08

Local news: Christmas parties; interview with Santa Claus; An Talla news; Christmas message from the Provost of A&B Council; primary children visit the Post Office; sheep scab alert; Skerryvore winter tour; RSPB information; SWRI Christmas party and Commemorative Bench.


The Kerol Stockowner`s Notebook 1924

Small orange/brown card covered notebook for the recording the use of `Kerol` products as stock remedies. Includes instructions for use, testimonials, calendar, advice regarding ailments, and pages for the stockperson`s own notes. Handwritten notes are by Colin MacPhail of Crossapol.



Information about the Tiree Cattle Health Group and Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD)

Guide to the Tiree Cattle Health Group and leaflet about protecting Tiree cattle from Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD).

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