Associated People: MacLeod, Mr Iain, Kilmoluaig


Iain MacLeod talking about corporal punishment at school

Sound clip in English of Iain MacLeod of Kilmoluaig talking about corporal punishment at school in the 1950s.

Courtesy of Mr Iain MacLeod

Iain MacLeod of Kilmoluaig was recorded in October 2005 talking to Maggie Campbell about his schooling at Cornaigmore where he was given ‘the belt’ for various misdemeanours, including spelling mistakes in the first years of primary school and for teaching a young child swear words.

The instrument of punishment in Scottish schools was the tawse, commonly known as the belt, which was a thick leather strap split at the end to inflict maximum pain. The strap was usually applied to the palms of the hands but in some recorded cases to bare buttocks. It was banned in state schools in 1986.

Iain and his wife Fiona were for many years the managers of Brown’s shop in Balemartine. They now run their own shop at Crossapol.


Printout from donor`s website about the Volunteer Fire Brigade on Tiree.

Information about the Volunteer Fire Brigade in Tiree stationed at Scarinish and Balemartine between 1938 and 1998.


Black and white photograph of Còisir Thiriodh (conductor Mabel Macarthur) at the Mòd Nàiseanta in Oban in 1992

The Tiree choir at the Oban Mod in 1992.

L-R: (front row) Mairi MacArthur, Roisgal; Elaine MacArthur, Balinoe; Mabel Macarthur, Sandaig (conductor); Margaret Ryan; Jessie Gray, Balemartine;

(middle row) Jill Robertson; Stuart Smith, Hynish; Maggie Campbell, Kilmoluaig; Lachie Campbell, Cornaigbeg; Donniel Kennedy, Hynish; Murdina MacLean, Kilmoluaig; Clare Jones, Baugh; Alec MacLean, Cornaigbeg; Joyce Gillespie, Balinoe; Mairi MacLean, Ruaig; Mary Ann MacDonald, Heanish;

(back row) Stewart Langley, Kirkapol; Brian Findlater, Scarinish; Donald Berry,Vaul; Donald MacDonald; Iain MacLeod, Kilmoluaig.



Audio cassette recording of Iain MacLeod of Cornaigbeg talking to Maggie Campbell in May 2001.

Iain MacLeod of Kilmoluaig talks to Maggie Campbell in May 2001 about leaving school aged 15, his days in the Army, coming with his wife Fiona in 1975 to work at Brown’s shop in Balemartine, his 15 years as shop manager when the petrol came in barrels and the sugar and oatmeal in cwt bags, lessons at Heylipol School for decimal conversion, their purchase of Brown’s shop at Crossapol and its refurbishment. Tha Iain Mhic Leòid a Cilmoluaig a’ bruidhinn ri Magaidh Chaimbeul anns a’ Chèitean 2001, ag ìnnseadh mar a dh’ fhàg e an sgoil air còig bliadhna deug a dh’ aois, a laithean ’s an Airm, a’ tighinn do Thiriodh còmhla ri Fionnghal, a’ bhean, ann an 1975, ag obair ann am bùth Bhrùnaich ann am Baile Mhàrtainn, na còig bliadhna deug a bha e na cheannard bùtha ’s an àm a bha peatral a’ tighinn ann am baraillean agus siùcar agus min-choirce ann am poca bolla, mar a cheannaich iad bùth Bhrùnaich ann an Crossabal agus mar a chaidh a nuadhachadh.