Book `Seinn an Duan Seo` of Gaelic hymns
Small booklet of 101 hymns translated into Gaelic by Roderick MacDonald.
Book `Seinn an Duan Seo` of Gaelic hymns
Small booklet of 101 hymns translated into Gaelic by Roderick MacDonald.
Book “The Life and Legacy of Alexander Carmichael”
Softback book about Alexander Carmichael (1832-1912) who travelled the Highlands and islands in the second half of the 19th century collecting charms, hymns, songs, stories and poems from Gaelic oral tradition. From the proceedings of a four-day conference held in Benbecula in 2006. Includes references to Tiree in the index.
CD “Guthan Eileanan na h-Alba / Voices of Scotland`s Islands”
CD of recordings of Gaelic-speakers from the islands singing, reciting poetry and telling stories in the Gaelic tradition.
Information about Rev. Archibald Farquharson (1800-1878) of Tiree
Emailed information about Rev. Archibald Farquharson`s family and genealogy and a list of his publications of Gaelic hymns, poems, language, work, communities and travels in the Highlands and islands from the National Library of Scotland.
Gaelic hymn and religious poems written by Alastair McCallum, Vaul, ca. 1938.
Photocopies of religious compositions typewritten by recluse Alastair McCallum, Vaul, around 1937-1939. Includes Gaelic hymn “Neamh”, and four English poems “The Parting Hour”, “A Little Child”, “The Blood of Atonement” and “Mialum”.
Audio cassette tape of a collection of Gaelic hymns from Tiree, sung by John MacFadyen, Tiree.
Taobh / Side 1: ‘S e gràdh Fir-saoraidh; O nach glòrmhor dhuit fein; Och a Shlanuigheir; Bhon fhuair mi’n t-slàint, Tha ìoc-shlaint aig, Ged tha mi bochd san fhàsach; Bha mi uaireigin.
Love of the Redeemer; How glorious for you; O, Savior; Since I received my health; There is a cure; Though I am wretched in the desert; I was once.
Taobh / Side 2: O thig a pheacaich, ’S e Crìosd an fhìrinn, Air dhomh bhith sealltainn, Ar leam gur sona ’n aireamh, ’S e leanabh an àigh, Och a Shlànuigheir Chaoimh
O sin will come; Christ is truth; I have been searching; I believe the number is blessed; Heaven’s child; O Gentle Savior.
Audio cassette tape of a collections of Gaelic hymns from Tiree, sung by Mary Cameron, Tiree.
Taobh/Side 1: On bhàsaich Ios’ air Calbharaigh; Nuair a bha mo chridh’ gam dhìteadh, Nach faic sibh Iosa, Seo an duan nach fas sinn sgìth dhi, Seo an sgeul sa bheil a bhrìgh, Ged tha mi bochd san fhasach.
Since Jesus died on Calvary; When my heart was condemning me; Won’t you see Jesus; This is the song we won’t grow weary of; This is the story in which there is meaning; Though I am wretched in the desert.
Taobh/Side 2: Gum mol mi gu bràth; ’S e ’n iobhair reitich; B’ iriseal a thàinig tu; Is iomadh latha; Tha tìr ann; Iosa gleidh mi; O mìorbhail gràis
I will praise forever; ‘The cause for reconciliation; Humble you came; It is many a day; There is a land; Jesus keep me; O the miracle of grace
CD Pròiseact Thiriodh CD-SA1968-23.
Donald Sinclair (Dòmhnall Chaluim Bhàin) of Balephuil talks about ceilidhing, sings a hymn ‘An t-seann, t-seann sgeula’, tells a story about a brewer, sings six Gaelic songs, one about the Balephuil fishing disaster of 1856, talks about bothies, sings another eight Gaelic songs, gives a prayer for a safe sea voyage, sings three Gaelic love songs and one about distilling whiskey, talks about Donald the Cooper’s daughter in America, tells a story about two old men in Caoles, sings two more love songs and talks about witches.
Mini-disk SA1968/23.
Donald Sinclair (Dòmhnall Chaluim Bhàin) of Balephuil talks about ceilidhing, sings a hymn ‘An t-seann, t-seann sgeula’, tells a story about a brewer, sings six Gaelic songs, one about the Balephuil fishing disaster of 1856, talks about bothies, sings another eight Gaelic songs, gives a prayer for a safe sea voyage, sings three Gaelic love songs and one about distilling whiskey, talks about Donald the Cooper’s daughter in America, tells a story about two old men in Caoles, sings two more love songs and talks about witches.
Newsletter `An Tirisdeach`, No. 21, 13/3/1991.
Local news including national testing in the Primary School, major works at Skerryvore, the progress of the linkspans, the Poll Tax, a Gaelic hymn by Alasdair MacCallum news from the regatta club, the feis and gardening club.