Audio cassette tape of a collections of Gaelic hymns from Tiree, sung by Mary Cameron, Tiree.
Taobh/Side 1: On bhàsaich Ios’ air Calbharaigh; Nuair a bha mo chridh’ gam dhìteadh, Nach faic sibh Iosa, Seo an duan nach fas sinn sgìth dhi, Seo an sgeul sa bheil a bhrìgh, Ged tha mi bochd san fhasach.
Since Jesus died on Calvary; When my heart was condemning me; Won’t you see Jesus; This is the song we won’t grow weary of; This is the story in which there is meaning; Though I am wretched in the desert.
Taobh/Side 2: Gum mol mi gu bràth; ’S e ’n iobhair reitich; B’ iriseal a thàinig tu; Is iomadh latha; Tha tìr ann; Iosa gleidh mi; O mìorbhail gràis
I will praise forever; ‘The cause for reconciliation; Humble you came; It is many a day; There is a land; Jesus keep me; O the miracle of grace