
Audio cassette recording of John MacKinnon of Kilmoluaig talking to Maggie Campbell in October 1999.

John MacKinnon (Iain Chaluim) talks to Maggie Campbell in October 1999 about the people and places in and around Kilmoluaig, the use of lichen to dye cloth red, various ruins in the area around Loch Bhasapol where there used to be salmon and trout, the son of Sir Donald MacLean who spied for Russia, how the Green got its name, the once frequent sand drifts, the water drawn from wells, working crofts with horses, planting oats, turnips and potatoes, taking grain to the mill at Cornaig and the scarcity of people where they were once so plentiful. Tha Iain Chaluim a’ bruidhinn ri Magaidh Chaimbeul anns an Dàmhair 1999 mu na daoine agus àiteachan ann agus mun cuairt Cill Moluaig, feum crotail airson aodach a dhath gu dearg, diofrach thobhtaichean mun cuairt Loch Bhasapol far am b’ àbhaist bradan agus bric a bhi, mac fear-uasal Dhòmhnall ’IcIllEathain a bha na fhear-brathaidh airson an Ruis, mar a fhuair ‘An Green’ ainm, na cathaidhean gainmhaiche a b’ àbhaist a bhi ann, uisge air a tharraing a tobraichean, ag obair air na croitean le eich, a’ cur coirce, neipean agus buntàta, a’ toirt sìol don mhuilinn ann an Còrnaig agus cion nan daoine far an robh iad uaireigin gu math lìonmhor.

Object Details

Other Number: AC168

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