Microfilm of Old Parish Records for Bowmore, Gigha and Iona, Box No 601.
Old Parish Records for Bowmore (Births, deaths and marriages 1763-1854), Gigha (Births, deaths and marriages 1792-1854) and Iona (Births, deaths and marriages 1829-1854).
Microfilm of Old Parish Records for Bowmore, Gigha and Iona, Box No 601.
Old Parish Records for Bowmore (Births, deaths and marriages 1763-1854), Gigha (Births, deaths and marriages 1792-1854) and Iona (Births, deaths and marriages 1829-1854).
Microfilm of Old Parish Records for Mull, Box No 603.
Old Parish Records for Mull: Kilmeny (Births, deaths and marriages 1802-1819, Births 1820-1854), Kilninian (Births and marriages 1766-1854), Oa (Births and marriages 1833-1854), Portnahaven (Births and marriages 1831-1854), Tobermory ((Births and marriages 1830-1854) and Torosay (Births and marriages 1772-1854)
Newspaper cutting `The Quern-Dust Calendar` by Raghnall MacIlleDhuibh.
Discussion about one of John Gregorson Campbell`s stories, `MacCallum of the Humming Noise` from his book, `Superstitions of the Highland and Islands of Scotland`.
Photocopy of a tracing of Turnbull`s 1768 map of Tiree.
Copy of a tracing of Turnabull`s 1768 map of Tiree.
Photocopied quotes by Dr Samuel Johnston on visiting Coll.
A list of remarks made Dr Samuel Johnston on visiting Coll.
Information and maps of the Hough area, 1768-1805
(1) Extract from `Inhabitants of the Argyll Estate, 1779`, ed. Eric Cregeen, 1963, p139 : Index of Places. (2) Partial map 1768-9 showing Hough area extracted from `Argyll Estate Instructions, 1771-1805` ed. Eric Cregeen, 1964. (3) Hough area from O/S map NL 94 NW.