Audio cassette recording of Alasdair MacArthur, Balemartine recorded by himself.
Alasdair MacArthur (Alasdair Sheumais Alasdair) recites a poem in Gaelic Gaol air Dhia and talks in English about the island of Tiree starting with the beauty of Happy Valley then going through the townships naming shops, hills, churches, harbours, shebeens, lochs and schools and describing the different views.
Mini-disk recording of Alasdair MacArthur, Balemartine talking to Maggie Campbell in May 2005.
Alasdair MacArthur (Alasdair Sheumais Alasdair) of Balemartine talks to Maggie Campbell in May 2005 about his life both at sea and on land, his time on the ferry ‘The Heb’ and how he progressed to achieve honorary seaman status.
Video recording of an unknown TV programme about local council services.
Programme about local council services featuring Mabel MacArthur of Sandaig, Gaelic teacher Margaret MacKay, Lachie MacArthur of Mannal, deputy headmaster Donnie Campbell of Kilmoluaig, Alasdair MacArthur of Balemartine, Murdina MacLean of Kilmoluaig, Allan MacFadyen, Maggie Campbell of Kilmoluaig and Hector MacPhail of Ruaig.
Audio cassette recording of Alasdair MacArthur, Balemartine recorded by himself.
Alasdair MacArthur (Alasdair Sheumais Alasdair) talks about the island of Tiree starting with the beauty of Happy Valley then going through the townships naming shops, hills, churches, harbours, shebeens, lochs and schools and describing the different views; Alasdair also recites two poems composed by himself, one called A’ fàgail Thiriodh and the other in memory of the people named on the War Memorial in Scarinish. Tha Alasdair Sheumais Alasdair a’ bruidhinn mu Eilean Thiriodh tòiseachadh le maise a’ Chlèit an sin a’ dol troimhe na bailtean ag ainmeachadh bùthan, beanntan, eaglaisean, puirt, ‘shebeens’, lochan agus sgoiltean agus toirt cunntas air na diofar sheallaidhean; tha Alasdair a’ gabhail dà rann a’ sgrìobh e fhèin, aon dhiubh A’ fàgail Thiriodh agus am fear eile mar chuimhneachan air na daoine a tha ainmichte air fas-charn a’ chogadh ann an Sgairinis.