Innes’s Farmers’ Movement of Stock Register belonging to Alex Kennedy, Moss, covering the period 1943-1960. The Movement of Animals Order of 1925, required that all movements of livestock to and from the farm/croft had to be recorded.
Catalogues for livestock sales at Tiree Rural Centre in 2007 and 2008
Three catalogues produced by United Auctions listing the sellers` names and stock for sale of cattle and sheep at the Tiree Rural Centre on 27th October 2007, 9th February 2008 and 1st May 2008.
Clydesdale pedigree cards, photos and notice of meeting
Collection of four Clydesdale horse pedigree cards, two black & white photos of Clydesdale horses (with John MacLean, Cornaigbeg, Tiree?), an invitation to a meeting of the Tiree Heavy Horse Breeding Society in Scarinish School on 20th Feb. 1943 addressed to Mr John MacLean, The Brae, Cornaigbeg, Tiree, and a newspaper cutting “Clydesdale Export Trade Revives”. All items were between the pages of a collection of Clydesdale horse stud books from 1933 to 1948 belonging to Alec MacLean, Tiree.
Collection of 11 Clydesdale horse stud books belonging to Alec MacLean, Rubha Cottages, Tiree, listing foals, mares and stallions by stud number, for the years: 1933, 1934, 1936, 1938, 1940, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1948. Includes list of stallions that travelled districts or served mares, list of winners of the society`s premiums, horse obituary, roll of members of Clydesdale Horse Society, index of horses, index of breeders and owners.
Photograph of Donald MacIntyre with his Clydesdale mare Lady Dawn of Gott.
Courtesy of Mrs Claudia Ferguson-Smyth
Donald MacIntyre was photographed with his Clydesdale mare Lady Dawn of Gott in the summer of 2006 by Claudia Ferguson-Smyth. Dawn is looking somewhat dejected. She has been tormented by clegs (horse-flies); the lumps from their bites can be seen on her flanks.
Donald has bred Clydesdale horses for nearly seventy years and exhibited them regularly at the Highland Show at Ingleston outside Edinburgh. He once won fourth prize for a three-year-old mare in the 1970s and enjoyed competing in the horse-shoeing events.
From a long line of blacksmiths in Gott, Donald has always made and fitted the shoes for his own horses. Before the days of tractors he used to go to Coll every March and November for about a fortnight to shoe horses and repair farm implements. His is the last working smithy on Tiree.
Colour photograph of Donald MacIntyre of Gott with his Clydesdale mare Lady taken in the summer of 2006.
Donald MacIntyre of Gott with his Clydesdale mare Lady photographed in the summer of 2006 by Claudia Ferguson-Smyth.