
Charts and plans for the construction of Skerryvore lighthouse

Photocopied pages of charts and plans from Stevenson`s account of Skerryvore lighthouse, published in 1843. Includes: map of Britain showing location of Tiree and Skerryvore, plan of Hynish showing pier, dock reservoir, lightkeepers and seamens houses etc., charts of Skerryvore rocks and minor skerries, plans of Skerryvore rocks showing during low and high tides, plans of the curves for the lighthouse towers, engineers sketch of the marine dynamometer, plans of the temporary barrack, scaled elevation of completed lighthouse, longitudinal and transverse sections of the lighthouse, engineers sketches of the balance crane used and Hynish dock. An online version can be viewed at https://archive.org/details/accountofskerryv1848stev


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Other Number: not specified

Architect`s plan of the Hynish complex in 1843

This extract from Alan Stevenson`s `Account of the Skerryvore Lighthouse`, shows the original purpose of the buildings at Hynish that still stand today. Alan Stevenson was the architect behind the Skerryvore Lighthouse and its support infrastructure at Hynish. His account includes charts of Skerryvore rocks and minor skerries during low and high tides, plans of the curves for the lighthouse towers, engineer`s sketches of the marine dynamometer and balance crane used to move stones, scaled elevation and longitudinal and transverse sections of the completed lighthouse, and plans of the temporary barrack to house the workers.

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