Movement of Stock Register belonging to Lachlan MacFarlane, Hynish, with handwritten entries giving the dates and numbers of livestock moved to and from his croft over the period 1942 to 1960.

Copy of a postcard from Greenwich to Duncan MacFarlane, Missionary, Mull.
Photocopy showing both sides of a postcard sent from Greenwich to Duncan MacFarlane, Missionary, when he was staying c/o Miss Taylor, Black Watch Cottage, Salen, Isle of Mull. The postcard is a black & white photograph of an unknown man. The postcard was amongst the belongings of Lachlan MacFarlane, Hynish (b.1920).
Photograph of Lachie MacFarlane, Hynish, with Mike Stanfield of the Hebridean Trust in the early 1990s
Colour photograph of (L-R) Lachie MacFarlane (b. 1920), Hynish, standing with Mike Stanfield of the Hebridean Trust at Hynish in the early 1990s. Signed “To Lachie with best wishes and thanks, Mike”.
Photograph of HRH Princess Anne speaking with locals at the opening of the Hynish Centre in 1991.
Colour photograph of HRH Princess Anne speaking with (L-R) Mike Stanfield of the Hebridean Trust, Ian Whyte of the Hydro Board, and Mrs & Mr Lachie MacFarlane of Hynish, at the opening of the Hynish Centre in May 1991.
Photograph of three crofters standing by a pen of sheep in the 1980s.
Colour photograph of (L-R) Callum `Rudha`, Mannal, Lachie MacFarlane, Hynish, and ?, standing by a wooden pen of sheep in the 1980s. The picture has been seen on sale in Oban as a postcard.
Photograph of Lachie MacFarlane, Hynish, with his lobster boat at Hynish pier, ca 1980.
Black & white photograph of Lachie MacFarlane (b. 1920), Hynish, launching his boat at Hynish pier to go bring-up/drop lobster creels, around 1980. Several creels can be seen in the front of the boat.
Photograph of Lachie MacFarlane (b. 1920), Hynish, ca. 1950
Black & white photograph of Lachie MacFarlane, Hynish, sitting on a heather hillside (on Mull?) around 1950.
Photograph of Lachie MacFarlane, Hynish, ca. 1965
Black & white formal photograph of Lachie MacFarlane (b. 1920), Hynish, with an unknown man (on the left). Probably at the occaision of Lachie`s wedding to Chrissie MacNeil around 1965 – the unkown man being Lachie`s best man.
Photograph of Lachie MacFarlane, Hynish, with two other men in 1937
Black & white photograph of Lachie MacFarlane (b. 1920), Hynish, sitting on the machair (at an Agricultural Show?) with an unknown boy on his shoulders and another unknown man seated next to him. Dated 27 July 1937.
Photograph of a wedding party outside the doors of Heylipol Church ca. 1949
Black & white photograph of the wedding party outside the doors of Heylipol Church around 1949. L-R: unknown best-man, groom Lachie MacFarlane (b.1920), Hynish, bride Chrissie MacNeil, unknown bridesmaids.