Tag Archives: missionaries


Copy of a postcard from Greenwich to Duncan MacFarlane, Missionary, Mull.

Photocopy showing both sides of a postcard sent from Greenwich to Duncan MacFarlane, Missionary, when he was staying c/o Miss Taylor, Black Watch Cottage, Salen, Isle of Mull. The postcard is a black & white photograph of an unknown man. The postcard was amongst the belongings of Lachlan MacFarlane, Hynish (b.1920).


Periodical `The Coll Magazine`, No. 10, 1992.

Articles about the lairds of Coll, holiday-makers, extract from the diary of a Swiss visitor in 1807, the school, corncrakes, the pier, Campbell of Cornaig, names, RSPB, missionary Malcolm MacDonald, midges and the Community Council among others.


Audio cassette recording of Janet MacIntosh of Scarinish talking to Maggie Campbell on 21/5/2004.

Janet MacIntosh of Urvaig talks to Maggie Campbell in May 2004 about her schooldays in Balemartine, her childhood and wartime memories, Sunday customs, her travels round Scotland as a pilgrim, women’s clothing and work, baptisms in Tiree, the 19th century Baptist revival on the Ross of Mull, the Community Council, differences between the east and west of Tiree, self education, second sight and ghost stories, Tiree Bards, the hardness of life in the past with poverty, disease and the death of children; Janet finishes by singing a hymn composed by Neil MacDonald of Kilmoluaig


Audio cassette recording of Janet Wilson of Cornaigbeg talking to Dr John Holliday in September 1998.

Janet Wilson talks to Dr John Holliday in September 1998 about annual holiday to Tiree during the Glasgow Fair, being met by a horse and cart, the entertainment during the Fair fortnight, the people of Cornaigbeg and their genealogy, the smiddy, wartime activities, identity cards and food coupons, dances, the arrival of the first plane in Tiree, ceilidhs and how law-abiding the RAF personnel were.


Audio cassette recording of Alex MacLean of Cornaigbeg interviewed by John Donald MacLean in 1998.

Alex MacLean (Ailig Iain Alasdair) of Cornaigbeg talks to John Donald MacLean in 1998 about his ancestors, some of whom emigrated to New Zealand, a MacLean gathering there of 80 of his relatives, bulb growing on Tiree which was set up in 1958 by the Agricultural College, the MacEachern blacksmiths, one of whom was a lay preacher, the making of a harpoon for catching whales, the coal puffers which unloaded their cargo on different beaches and crofting in general. Tha Ailig MhicIllEathain (Ailig Iain Alasdair) a Còrnaig Bheag a’ bruidhinn ri Teòn Dòmhnall MhicIllEathain ann an 1998 mu a shloinntearachd, cuid dhuibh a chaidh don Seallainn Nuadh, cruinneachadh MhicIllEathain far an robh ceithir fichead da fhear-cinnidh, obair na meacain fluir a chaidh a chur air bonn ann an 1958 le Colaisde an Tuathanachais, na goibhnean Mhic Eacharna, aon dhuibh na shearmonaiche nach buin don chlèir, an dòigh air murghadh a’ dhèanamh airson glacadh na mucan mara, na bàtaichean guail a’ cur a mach an luchd air diofar thràighean agus croitearachd mar as cumanta.


Audio cassette recording of Jean MacCallum, Balevullin talking to Maggie Campbell in 2000.

(Continued from AC238) Jean MacCallum of Balevullin talks to Maggie Campbell in 2000 about pilgrims preaching in Balevullin School and about going to church, the names and location of various rocks and cliffs near Balevullin, carrageen and fishing, how crofting now is not as close to nature, Easter and the different moons, potatoes and crops that used to be grown, natural fertilisers, the faster pace of life now, Cattle Shows, Clydesdale horses and knitting.