Video recording of BBC programme `A` Cheud Turas` broadcast on 8/2/1984.
1984 BBC programme with pilot Bill Innes shows Sheila MacKinnon nee MacArthur of Barrapol, Arthur Donald of Vaul, Donald Iain Brown of Crossapol and Craig Langley of Kirkapol around a Boeing 757, Concorde and a Boeing 757 simulator for training pilots at Heathrow Airport.
Hi, I wonder if anyone can help? I’m looking for a video recording of A cheud turas, BBC programme broadcast on 8/2/1984 . My Dad sailed with my Uncle for one week when it was filmed sailing across the Minch to Uist . I can see mention of it but can’t find any video. Does anyone have any ideas as to how I might go about sourcing it?