Audio cassette recording of Hector MacKinnon of Kilkenneth talking to Hector MacPhail in 1998.
Hector MacKinnon of Kilkenneth and Hector MacPhail of Ruaig talk in February 1998 about the Tiree bards, ministers, schoolteachers and factors, the cost of tobacco, whiskey and cars in the past and present, the size of houses, families and crofts in past times and tell a few stories about Tiree people. Eachann Mac Fhionghuin agus Eachann Mac Phàil a’ bruidhinn anns am Faoilteach 1998 mu dheidhinn na bàird o Tiriodh, ministearan, tidsearan agus bàillidhan, pròis tombaca, uisge beatha agus chàraichean fo chionn fhada taca ri prìosan an latha an diugh. Tha iad a’ crìochnachadh le sgeulach neo dha mu dheidhinn Tiriodh.