Photograph of Baugh House ca. 1900
Black & white photograph of Baugh House taken by Erskine Beveridge during 1896-1901. Built as the doctor`s house for Dr Buchanan, whose horse and trap is by the door. The original doctor`s `cottage` is beside the L-shaped barn. At the time, the doctor’s living was made from Baugh Farm. Baugh House is still used as the doctor`s residence.
Object Details
Other Number: P130
Baugh House around 1900
Built specifically for Dr Alexander Buchanan who was Medical Officer for Tiree from 1860 to his death in 1911. His horse and trap are to the right of the door. Before Baugh House was built, the doctor lived in the `cottage` beside the L-shaped barn. The monument on the roadside at Baugh is to Dr Buchanan and reads `Medical officer and loved and valued friend of the islanders`.