Associated People: Carter, Mr Jack, Balephetrish


Solicitors’ copy of a Minute of Agreement between Tiree Public Hall Management Committee and Tiree Agricultural Show Committee regarding a loan of £500 from the show committee to the hall committee in 1990, and the conditions of its repayment. Signed by Grace C MacKinnon and Monica Smith for the show committee, and Donald M MacDonald, Heanish, and Jack Carter, Balephetrish, for the hall committee.


Photograph of Audrey and Jack Carter and others outside Balephetrish House in the early 1990s.

Colour photograph of Audrey & Jack Carter outside Audrey`s guest house at Hillcrest, Balephetrish, in 1991/2. The man on the left is Mr Robin Boyd from Paisley who, for many years, spent his summer holidays on Tiree. He always stayed at Audrey’s. The woman beside him is Phyllis. The woman on the right is unidentified.
