
Digitised copy of Petition by the tenants of Ballinoe [sic], Tiree, Jul 1803.

The petition is submitted by Alexander McLean, Duncan Campbell, John Macdonald, John Brown, John Macphaill, Alexander Campbell, John Campbell, John Bell, Neil Campbell, Hector Campbell ,and John McFarlane – all tenants in Balinoe. The petition mentions that the tenants feel ‘harassed and oppressed’; being prevented from cutting peat; the Factor and surveyor taking advantage of the petitioners by purchasing cattle at an ‘under value’; proclamations at the church door; being bound to provide services to the Factor and his servants; the lack of a miller to grind their grain.

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From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.

Object Details

Other Number: GB 3452 ARG-04-03-65-80, PFV65/80

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