
Order of service for the funeral of Rev Bob Higham (1937-2020), and a letter to John Holliday, Balephuil, from Bob’s wife, Di Higham, dated 9/03/2020. Rev Higham was the Church of Scotland minister of the Parish of Tiree during 1995-2002. He published a book about life as a minister on a Hebridean island, was a driving force behind the Tiree Heritage Society, and is buried at Polwarth in the Scottish Borders.


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Other Number: not specified

One thought on “2020.44.1

  1. Dr. Evan C. Hock, Colorado, USA

    Greetings to you all. I just read in the Aberdeen Alumnus Newsletter, which comes late to me in the US, that Robert D. Higham passed and went home to be with the Lord in January, 2020. I always found Bob a gracious and devout evangelical brother in Christ. We schooled together in Divinity at Aberdeen back in the mid-1980s. I considered him a friend and inspiration as I knew he, with his wife, left the business world to become a pastor and servant for God’s kingdom. Seeing his death cut my heart, yet my grief for his passing is not without hope. I am sure he was a blessing to many. For us to live is Christ and to die in gain!


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