Digitised copy of Number of inhabitants in the island of Tiree by James Turnbull, 1768. In this document, Turnbull records: number of mail lands; holding of horses, cows and sheep, soums; sousing of rye, barley, oats; increase of rye, barley oats; number of tenants and hinds (men and women); number of cottagers in each farm (men and women); number of men above twelve years of age excluding the tenants and cottagers; number of women above twelve years of age excluding the tenants and cottagers; number of boys below twelve years of age; number of girls below twelve years of age; total inhabitants in each farm; numbers of manufacturers in each farm (included in the preceding columns) men weavers, women weavers, lint dressers, carpenters, blacksmiths, tailors, total of manufacturers in each farm. There is no transcript available for this item.
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From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.