Audio cassette recording of the opening ceremony at An Talla and Ian Gillies talking to Maggie Campbell, July 2004.
The opening ceremony of An Talla on 1st July 2004; Councillor Ian Gillies talks to Maggie Campbell on 2nd July 2004 about the new hall.
Audio cassette copy of CD `Celtic Mouth Music`.
Thirty-seven tunes without instruments by various artists.
CD and book `Celtic Mouth Music`.
Thirty-seven tunes without instruments by various artists.
Audio cassette recording of a ceilidh in Crosspol Hall recorded by the BBC in 1970.
A ceilidh in Crosspol Hall recorded by the BBC in 1970. (content unknown)
Book of mouth tunes collected, arranged and annotated by Dr Keith Norman MacDonald.
Collection of 120 songs to be sung unaccompanied.