Tag Archives: witches


Collection of five booklets of ‘Tocher – Tales, Songs and Traditions’ from the archives of the School of Scottish Studies in Edinburgh, 1978-1991, containing Tiree material: Blar nan Sguab / Battle of the Sheaves, No. 18, pg 44; The Dairymaid and the Cattle-Thief, No. 18, pg 49; Marbhrann do Mhrs. Noble / Elegy for Mrs Noble, No. 18, pg 50; A’ Chailleach Bhuana / the Harvest Maiden, No. 18, pg 52; Niall Og’s Harvest, No. 18, pg 54; An Corp-Creadh mu Dheireadh / The Last Clay Image made in Tiree, No. 18, pg 56; The Loss of the Fishing Boats (Balephuil fishing disaster of 1856), No. 18, pg 58; Oran an Fhuadaich / Song of the Storm (Balephuil fishing disaster of 1856), No. 18, pg 60; Diarmad agus Gràine, No. 18, pg 62; Donald Sinclair, No. 20, pg 152; Hector Kennedy, No. 32, pg 69; Latha Bathadh Bhaile Phuill / The Balephuil Disaster (1856), No. 32, pg 90; Oran do Shir Dòmhnall MacPhàrlain / Song to Sir Donald MacFarlane, No. 32, pg 92; Tha mise seo gun chruit gun sgoth / I am here with neither Croft nor Boat, No. 32, pg 94; Gilleasbuig Laidir and the Factor, No. 32, pg 96; ‘Lord’ MacDonald, No. 32, pg 98; Tiree settlers in Ontario, No. 42, pg 362; A’ Falbh a Tiriodh / Leaving Tiree, No. 42, pg 410; Donald MacLean Sinclair, No. 42, pg 424; Neil Lamont, No. 43, pg 67.


Information about Sarah/Marion Campbell of Balephuil ca 1850

Emailed information, marriage certificate, photograph and printed extract from the 1851 Tiree census from Keith Dash`s website about the family history of John Campbell of Balephuil, his wife Mary Campbell (nee McMillan/Bell) and their daughter Sarah (Marion) Campbell MacRae, who was the gt gt grandmother of the donor. Mary Campbell was one of the women accused of being witches and causing the Balephuil fishing disaster of 1856. Photo accessioned separately.


Photograph of Sarah/Marion Campbell of Balephuil ca 1870

Black & white photograph of Sarah / Marion Campbell of Balephuil (b.1835) (centre), her daughter Catherine MacRae (b. 1872 Glasgow) (left), and an unknown woman (right), taken around 1870. Sarah worked at Gartnavel Lunatic Assylum where she met her husband John MacRae. Sarah / Marion was the daughter of John Campbell of Balephuil and wife Mary Campbell (nee McMillan/Bell). Mary Campbell was one of the women accused of being witches and causing the Balephuil fishing disaster of 1856 in which her husband John drowned. Original print in filing cab 10 drawer 1.
