Colour photograph of a road sign from Ireland found washed up on Hough Bay in December 2020. Cúrsa timpill is Irish Gaelic for detour – a very long detour indeed!
Length of coir rope / sìoman ruadh made from coconut husks and much used in sailing boats. It replaced rope made from cereal straw around the 1850s as it was resistant to salt water.
Whole coconut found on the shore at Hynish by Alec Hector MacDonald in winter 2009/2010 and given to John Bowler. Coconuts drift up the Gulf Stream from the Caribbean and occasionally wash up on Tiree`s shores after westerly gales.
Sea bean, horse-eye bean – Macuna sloanei, with a letter of identification from the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh dated 12.6.06 (letter in Filing Cabinet 8 drawer 4). The seed of a tropical plant carried north on the Gulf Stream and washed up on Tiree’s shore.
Sea bean Entada phasaeoloides, with letter of identification from the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh dated 14.7.1998 (letter in Filing Cabinet 8 drawer 4). The seed of a tropical plant carried north on the Gulf Stream and washed up on Tiree’s shore.