Tag Archives: sand yachts


DVD footage of a holiday on Tiree in the 1960s

Cine-film footage of the Muir family holiday on Tiree in the 1960s, transferred to DVD. Mrs Christian Muir (the lady with the dog, who gets a kiss from her husband) and their kids Iain, David and Kenneth, came to Tiree on a family holiday in 196?. The donor, Alex Newbery, found the film in Mrs Muir`s attic while clearing it out. She`s sure that they stayed at Salum or Ruaig.


Sand yacht on Gott Bay in the mid-1930s

Photograph of a sand yacht on Gott Bay in the mid-1930s.


Courtesy of Mr Ronnie MacLean

This sand yacht was photographed on Gott Bay in the mid-1930s. It was brought to the island by two or three Germans who stayed for a few weeks, ostensibly on holiday, though the general consensus of opinion at the time was that they were spies.

Whatever the truth of the matter, they were friendly and let local boys, three of whom are pictured in the photograph, sail the yacht. They also gave lifts to Lachie MacKinnon who was then piermaster and used to walk to work from Brock along Gott Bay.

The yacht had three wheels, its stability coming from the front wheels which were positioned wide apart. The driver steered with one hand using a tiller attached to the rear single wheel and controlled the sail by the sheet with the other hand.

Black and white photograph of a sand yacht on Gott Bay in the 1920s or 30s.

Sand yacht on Gott Bay, from a small photograph album from Silversands in Vaul dating from the late 1920s.