Colour photograph of the Decca HIFIX mast and caravan next to the house at Aird, Cornaigmore, in 1970. HIFIX stations were located at several spots in the Hebrides for relaying messages to/from survey vessels at sea, which were recording the topography of the ocean floor. The house in the photograph was occupied by Mr A Campbell, who “complained about the generator noise. He had spent his life at sea in engine rooms and thought he deserved a peaceful retirement”. As a consequence, a cable from the caravan was connected to the mains electricity supply. Includes additional emailed information.
Tag Archives: radar stations
Emailed information about the HF/DF Station at Kenovay. Built in the utmost secrecy during WWII, it was used to track aircraft and German U-boats, and was key to D-Day operations. After the war all traces of it were carefully removed.
“It was certainly in use on D-Day! Its exact location I cannot be sure of but its intended location was MKJM 06593073 using the Georef system which places it at latitude 56 30 43.8N longitude 006 53 24.6W and its role was vital in securing the return of Coastal Command weather recce aircraft. D-Day was to have been 4 June but Gp Capt Stagg advised General Eisenhower that the weather was a no-no but he had reports from a weather ship that indicated that rising pressure and temperature were likely to push the worst weather North. An elite crew from 518 Sqn on Tiree were tasked to probe into the weather patterns and establish whether or not this was true. They signalled back to the disbelief of the boffins at Dunstable who said “Rubbish!” but the Polish Met observer put them straight and after nine and a half hours the aircraft returned safely thanks to the brilliant crew and also the radio fixes from Tiree. The flight data was absolutely crucial to the D-Day plan. Well done 518 Sqn!!! It was a true team effort by a marvellous crew of eight, Stagg was right, Eisenhower trusted him and D-Day went ahead.”
Information regarding wartime buildings on Tiree
Printed emails, weblinks, photographs and text by Martin Briscoe regarding the names, locations and purposes of some of the wartime buildings still apparent on Tiree since the 1930s.
Click here to view 2013.103.1 (version 2, June 2016)
Magazine article about the `Golf Ball` on Beinn Hynish, ca. 1996.
News article from `Airway`, the magazine of the Civil Aviation Authority/NATS about the radar station or `Golf Ball` on the top of Beinn Hynish, which opened in 1985. Includes colour photographs with one of the staff: Iain MacDonald (Balemartine), Simon Latham (Baugh), Malcolm O`Dea (Balinoe), Roddy Campbell and Duncan MacLean.
Printed emails about military sites on Tiree, 2011, 2013 & 2016
Printed emails to An Iodhlann regarding military sites surveyed on Tiree by Martin Briscoe, Fort William, in September 2011, April 2013 and June 2016. Includes information on hitherto unmapped buildings and links to photo-sharing websites on which there are many photographs of ruins of military installations on Tiree in 2011.
Audio cassette recording of BBC Reidio nan Gaidheal programme recorded in 2001.
Recording of BBC Rèidio nan Gàidheal programme about (side A) with Kenneth MacIver and Morag MacDonald touring with Ailig MacArthur to Heylipol, the radar station at West Hynish where they talk to Roddy Campbell, Tiree High School where they talk to pupils John Angus MacKinnon, Iona Brown and Karen MacKinnon and teacher Flora MacPhail, to Gott and Donald MacIntyre, crofter, horse-breeder, blacksmith and boat-builder; (side B) Kenneth and Morag talk to crofters Archie Brown and Jean MacCallum, to Dr John Holliday about An Iodhlann, to Maggie Campbell about her fieldwork, to Josie Brown and John MacKinnon about the Hynish Centre. Clàr BBC Rèidio nan Gàidheal program (taobh A) le Coinneach ’ic Iomhair agus Mòrag Dhòmhnallach air chuairt le Ailig ’ic Artair as a’ Chruairtean gu Stèisean an Reudar anns na Cuiltean far an robh iad a’ còmhradh ri Ruairidh Caimbeul, gu Ard Sgoil Thiriodh far an do bhruidhinn iad ri sgoilearan agus an tidsear Fionnghal Nic Phàil, gu Gott agus Dòmhnall Mac an t-Saoir, croitear, fear àrach eich, gobha agus fear togail sgòthan; (taobh B) tha Coinneach agus Mòrag a’ bruidhinn ris na croitearan Èairdsidh Mhic’IlleDhuinn agus Sìne Nic Chaluim, ris an Dotair Holliday mun Iodhlann, ri Magaidh Chaimbeul mun obair aice agus ri Josie Nic’IlleDhuinn agus Iain ’ic Fhionghain mu thogalaichean Haoidhnis.
Map of the 1950s radar station on Beinn Gott.
Ground plan of the Rotorplan station, the UK`s Air Attack Early Warning System in the 1950s, on Beinn Gott, at a scale of 1:500. (See also 2002.103.1)