Tag Archives: pregnancy birth and infancy


Transcript of a petition submitted to Henry Nisbet Procurator Fiscal against John McKinnon in 1857. McKinnon is accused of culpable homicide in childbirth. The transript gives details of how McKinnon assisted Margaret McKinnon or Lamont (wife of Lachlan Lamond, Vaul) in childbirth, and is accused of causing her death. An extract from the Register of Deaths of the entry of the death of Margaret McKinnon or Lamont is provided by Malcolm Livingston (Parochial Teacher and Registrar, Kirkapoll).

Statements are provided from:

John McKinnon (a Beadle or Bellman, Clabbach, Coll)
Lachlan Lamont (husband of deceased – Cottar and Seaman, Vaul),
Lachlan McKinnon (brother of deceased – Crofter, Vaul)
Charles McKinnon (brother of deceased – Crofter or Labourer, Vaul)
Catherine McLean or Hart (wife of John Hart, Vaul)
Margaret McNeill (wife of Malcolm McNeill [Inspector of Poor], Vaul)
Mary Macdonald or McLean (wife of Hector Maclean, Salum)
Catherine McKinnon (daughter of Ann MacInnes or McKinnon, Vaul)
Jessie MacLean (wife of John McLean, Caoles)

This record contains extensive descriptions of the attempts to deliver Margaret McKinnon or Lamont of her child, and of the interventions and instrumentation used by John McKinnon. A copy of this transcript is not available online. Please contact An Iodhlann if you would like to consult this record.

From the liveArgyll Archives in Lochgilphead, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.



Copy of a handwritten letter, dated 14 June 1906, from Lachlan (a’ Mharsanta / the merchant) McLean (1836-1921), Kenovay, to his son-in-law Hector McLean (and wife Christina) on the birth of their daughter, Mary McLean. Part of a large collection of items belonging to and about Donald Archibald McLean, Kenovay (1890-1981), and his family.

Click here to view 2020.1.54


Softback book ‘Hebridean Heroines: Twentieth Century Queen’s Nurses (1940s – 1970s)’ by Catherine M. Morrison, 2017.

Provides insight into the lives of women from the Western Isles who worked as district nurses in the mid-twentieth century. Here they describe in their own words their everyday lives; working long hours and always available when called, regardless of hour, weather conditions or remoteness.


Composition “The Story of Elizabeth Crow and Murdoch McQuarie”

Composition about the life and family history of Elizabeth Crow (1860-1883) who came to live at Hynish with her lighthouse-keeper father and mother, at the age of 15. In 1880, she had an illegitimate daughter by Murdoch McQuarie, the eldest son of Lachlan McQuarie, tacksman of Hynish Farm. The McQuarie family would not allow their son to marry Elizabeth. Written by her great niece in 2011.


Black and white photograph of William H. MacPhail and Flora MacKinnon nee MacLean in 1943.

Flora MacKinnon nee MacLean of Balevullin as a baby in Glasgow in 1943 with Flight Lieutenant William H. MacPhail of the Canadian Air Force. He was born 11/8/1919 in Fullarton Township, Perth County, Ontario and died 13/1/1945 at Lille in France.



Audio cassette recording of Ishbel MacArthur of Barrapol talking to Maggie Campbell in March 2001.

Ishbel MacArthur of Barrapol talks to Maggie Campbell in March 2001 about childbirth and childcare, the comparison between bringing up her five children in the 1960s and 1970s and the easier methods of today, e.g. car seats, baby alarms and walkers, playgroups, disposable nappies and baby clinics; Ishbel also talks about her schooldays in Balemartine. Tha Iseabail Nic Artair a Goirtean Dhòmhnaill a’ bruidhinn ri Magaidh Chaimbeul ann an Mart 2001 mu aisead agus cùram cloinne, an t-eadar dhealachadh air a bhi togail còignear de theaghlaich eadar 1960 agus 1980, ’s ach na dòighean furasda ’s na laithean an diugh, cathairean carbad, sanas naoidhean agus taic coisiche, cròileaganan, foichein pàipear, leighis-lann naoidhean; tha Iseabail a’ bruidhinn cuideachd mu a laithean sgoile ann am Baile Mhàrtainn.