Tag Archives: potato famine


Softback book ‘Correspondence from July, 1846, to February, 1847, Relating to the Measures Adopted for the Relief of the Distress in Scotland…’ Great Britain Treasury, 2012. Government correspondence about Famine Relief in the Highlands. Includes separate index listing references to Tiree.

Click here to view index 2017.26.1 Tiree references


Bound booklet of transcribed excerpts regarding Tiree from the Autobiography and Memoirs of George Douglas, 8th Duke of Argyll (1823-1900).

Click here to view Tiree excerpts


Photocopied book extract from `George Douglas, Eighth Duke of Argyll` edited by the Dowager Duchess of Argyll, pp 133-147, 285-6, 321, 508 & 633.

Extracts about the landscape of Tiree, its people and surroundings seas, Skerryvore lighthouse, the potato famine and emigration, some local birds and bird-shooting.


Audio cassette recording of Gilleasbuig Kennedy of West Hynish talking to Maggie Campbell in June 2004

Gilleasbuig Kennedy of West Hynish talks to Maggie Campbell in June 2004 about the meaning of the name ‘Na Cuiltean’, the division of the small crofts in 1907, the potato famine, the changing weather over the years, storms that hit West Hynish, the ability of Hynish people to predict the future, his mother’s baking skills and knowledge of traditional medicines both of which she passed on to him. (Continues on AC355)


Paperback book `The Great Highland Famine` by T. M. Devine.

A detailed account of the clearances of the 19th century, landlordism, crofting life, emigration and migration.


Paperback book `Letters from the Highlands` by Robert Somers.

Collection of letters written in 1847 during a `tour of inquiry` into the effects of the potato famine in the Highlands and published in the North British Daily Mail.