Colour photograph of the Tiree Playgroup in 1989. If you know the names of the children, please let us know.
Tag Archives: playgroups
Minutes of three meetings of the Tiree Sradagan Group, 1999-2000, and a sheet of headed notepaper.
Minutes of three meetings of the Tiree Sradagan Group between 1999 and 2000, and a sheet of headed notepaper.
Three colour photographs of the opening party of Sradagan in 1999.
Three colour photographs of the opening party of Sradagan in 1999 held in the Resource Centre at Crossapol.
Periodical `The Coll Magazine`, No. 5, 1987.
Articles about WWII, the Coll hotel, emigration and immigrants, bulb growing, Highland dancing, archaeology, travellers to Coll, the White House of Grishipoll, the playgroup and parties.
Booklet `An Talla Tile Project`.
Booklet with pictures of all the tiles made by school pupils, the Pre-5 Unit and An Talla committee which are mounted in the wall frieze in the lesser hall at An Talla.
Audio cassette `Am Bodach Beag` with Ellen Jack and Donald R. Mackasgill.
Twenty-three Gaelic nursery songs. Transcript of tape with English translation (2001.87.5) is in Filing Cabinet 5 drawer 2.
Audio cassette recording of Ishbel MacArthur of Barrapol talking to Maggie Campbell in March 2001.
Ishbel MacArthur of Barrapol talks to Maggie Campbell in March 2001 about childbirth and childcare, the comparison between bringing up her five children in the 1960s and 1970s and the easier methods of today, e.g. car seats, baby alarms and walkers, playgroups, disposable nappies and baby clinics; Ishbel also talks about her schooldays in Balemartine. Tha Iseabail Nic Artair a Goirtean Dhòmhnaill a’ bruidhinn ri Magaidh Chaimbeul ann an Mart 2001 mu aisead agus cùram cloinne, an t-eadar dhealachadh air a bhi togail còignear de theaghlaich eadar 1960 agus 1980, ’s ach na dòighean furasda ’s na laithean an diugh, cathairean carbad, sanas naoidhean agus taic coisiche, cròileaganan, foichein pàipear, leighis-lann naoidhean; tha Iseabail a’ bruidhinn cuideachd mu a laithean sgoile ann am Baile Mhàrtainn.