Photocopy of Donald MacKechnie`s Protection & Identity Certificate
World War I Identity Certificate for men of H.M. Naval Service.
Photocopy of Donald MacKechnie`s Protection & Identity Certificate
World War I Identity Certificate for men of H.M. Naval Service.
Photocopy of World War I Certificate of Service in the Royal Navy
Physical description and other details of Donald MacKechnie, Kilmoluaig, such as next of kin, ships served on, payments from Naval Prize Fund and record of conduct.
Photocopy of World War II victory message from King George to schoolchildren
Message of encouragement from King George to schoolchildren at the end of World War II with list of important war dates on the reverse.
Photocopy of Home Guard certificate.
Certificate for Donald MacKinnon who served in the Home Guard from July 1940 to December 1944.