Tag Archives: mining and quarrying


Digitised copy of Letter from Malcolm McLaurine, chamberlain of Tiree, to the Duke of Argyll, 14 Jan 1802. In this letter McLaurine discusses: sending specimens of barley, pottery, clay and fossil sand; an analysis of sand by Dr Gardner; corresponding with Captain Campbell; writing to Greenock; difficulty in finding boys willing to go to Inveraray to learn to be Quarriers, and the reasons for their reluctance; illegal distilling of whisky; removals from the island, including the schoolmaster and the miller at Crossapol; the Bailie; the farm at Crossapol; replacing the ground officer, Angus Munn, with Neil McLean (previously a sergeant in Lord Lorne’s fencibles), and remarks on their characters; using wood cast ashore to repair the byre and stable at the Factor’s house; a model of the windmill; problems with sending post in the winter.

Click to read a transcript of this item.

Click to view a record for this item on Inveraray’s online catalogue.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Draft report “An Assessment of Aggregate Resources and Requirements on Tiree”, 2002

Draft report on natural aggregate resources on Tiree, their current extraction rates and lifespans, and proposed strategy to safe-guard future resources and minimize environmental impacts. The assessment was carried out by Dr Paul J Henny and Mr Jon Merritt of the British Geological Survey on behalf of Scottish Natural Heritage and Argyll & Bute Council.


Audio cassette recording of Hugh MacKinnon, Baugh and Angus MacLean, Scarinish talking to Maggie Campbell in 2000.

Hugh MacKinnon of Baugh and Angus MacLean (Aonghas Dhòmhnuill Eòghainn Mhòr) of Scarinish talk to Maggie Campbell in 2000 about the people who used to live in Baugh, the ceilidhs they had at Christmas and New Year, the decline in population, emigration to Canada, the poorhouse, Drs Hunter and Buchanan, farms, horses, other livestock and crops, furniture and house cleaning, the quarry in Baugh, the airport and World War II, the Taeping, sea captains and the changes they’ve seen. Tha Eòghann ’Ic Fhiongain as a’ Bhàgh agus Aonghas Dhòmhnuill Eòghainn Mhòr a Sgairinis a’ bruidhinn ri Magaidh Chaimbeul ann an 2000 mu na daoine a b’ àbhaist a bhi a’ fuireach anns a’ Bàgh, na ceilidhean a bha aca aig àm na Nollaige ’s a’ Bhliadhna Ùr, an dol sìos air àireamh nan daoine, daoine fàgail an dùthaich a’ dhol do Canada, taigh nam bochd, dotairean ’Ic an t-Sealgair agus Bochanan, bailtean-fearainn, eich, beathaichean eile agus bàrr, àirneis agus glanadh taighe, an gairbheal anns a’ Bhàgh, am port-adhair agus an darna cogadh, an Taeping, sgiobairean agus an t-atharrachadh a tha iad air fhaicinn.


Minidisk recording of Alasdair Sinclair and Duncan Grant talking to Dr John Holliday in An Iodhlann on 21/1/2004.

Alasdair Sinclair of Brock and Duncan Grant of Ruaig talk to Dr John Holliday in January 2004 about their Tiree connections and early memories of Ruaig, Brock and Soa, about Hugh Lamont (Eòghann Iain) from Ruaig, the postal service, Brock ceilidh house, thatched houses, quarrying stones at Brock and the tools used, handmade lintels, and collecting seaweed and birds’ eggs from Soa.


Audio cassette recording of Angus MacLean, Scarinish, interviewed by Maggie Campbell in 2000.

Angus MacLean talks to Maggie Campbell about the crofts in Caoles going back to the 18th century, blacksmiths, boat-builders, stone masons and tailors, the mill in Caoles, standing stones and the stories and legends associated with them, the school and the many bards who came from there including Bard Thighearna Cholla.


Photocopy of book `Argyll Estates Instructions` edited by Eric Cregeen.

The instructions given by John, the 5th Duke of Argyll to his Chamberlain in Mull and Morvern and his Chamberlain in Tiree with an introduction by Eric Cregeen.