Tag Archives: hogmanay


CD Pròiseact Thiriodh CD-SA1968-24.

Donald Sinclair (Dòmhnall Chaluim Bhàin) of Balephuil sings 12 Gaelic songs by Duncan Bàn MacIntyre-MacLeod, a song by Iain Luim, a song by Alasdair MacMaighstear Alasdair to Bonnie Prince Charlie and another ‘Oran do ’n Phrionnsa’, a love song, talks about Alexander Carmichael’s visit to Tiree, sings another four Gaelic songs, talks about the size of Neil MacNeill, Hogmanay customs, lucky black cats, the habits of dogs, tells a story about a roasted cat, sings ‘Oran Alasdair’, ‘Aoir Anna’, ‘Oidche na Dunara’ and ‘Cumha Alasdair Mhic Colla’, talks about how to make horn needles and sings another two Gaelic songs.


Mini-disk SA1968/24.

Donald Sinclair (Dòmhnall Chaluim Bhàin) of Balephuil sings 12 Gaelic songs by Duncan Bàn MacIntyre-MacLeod, a song by Iain Luim, a song by Alasdair MacMaighstear Alasdair to Bonnie Prince Charlie and another ‘Oran do ’n Phrionnsa’, a love song, talks about Alexander Carmichael’s visit to Tiree, sings another four Gaelic songs, talks about the size of Neil MacNeill, Hogmanay customs, lucky black cats, the habits of dogs, tells a story about a roasted cat, sings ‘Oran Alasdair’, ‘Aoir Anna’, ‘Oidche na Dunara’ and ‘Cumha Alasdair Mhic Colla’, talks about how to make horn needles and sings another two Gaelic songs.


CD Pròiseact Thiriodh CD-SA1968-32.

Donald Sinclair (Dòmhnall Chaluim Bhàin) of Balephuil talks about poultry feed and flour, gives two proverbs, talks about women wrestling in Tiree, sings a song about the Campbells and MacLeans, talks about Hogmanay rhymes and traditions, sings ‘Calum Bàn’ and ‘Duain Callain’, talks about choosing a dog, about bards and sings two songs miscalling a Moss Bard and sings ‘Maighdeannan na h-Airigh’, talks about weaving patterns and dyeing, using hen dung for washing, sings a waulking song and a lullaby, talks bout using urine for waulking, washing, drying and finishing wool, barn dances, the words used during the process of turning wool to cloth, tailors and weavers.


Mini-disk SA1968/32.

Donald Sinclair (Dòmhnall Chaluim Bhàin) of Balephuil talks about poultry feed and flour, gives two proverbs, talks about women wrestling in Tiree, sings a song about the Campbells and MacLeans, talks about Hogmanay rhymes and traditions, sings ‘Calum Bàn’ and ‘Duain Callain’, talks about choosing a dog, about bards and sings two songs miscalling a Moss Bard and sings ‘Maighdeannan na h-Airigh’, talks about weaving patterns and dyeing, using hen dung for washing, sings a waulking song and a lullaby, talks bout using urine for waulking, washing, drying and finishing wool, barn dances, the words used during the process of turning wool to cloth, tailors and weavers.


Audio cassette recording of a ceilidh with Maggie Campbell, Neil MacLeod and Murdoch MacDonald in 1998.

Maggie Campbell and Neil MacLeod of Kilmoluaig sing several songs composed by Tiree bards and a love song; Murdoch MacDonald of Kilmoluaig talks about shepherding, harvesting, the spring work on a croft, bulk buying of groceries, sharing barrels of herrings, travelling people, first-footing, home-coming events during the Glasgow fair, barn weddings and blanket washing days.Tha Magaidh Chaimbeul agus Niall MhicLeòid a Cill Moluag a’ seinn iomadach òran air an cur ri chèile aig bàird Thirisdeach agus òran gaoil; Murchadh MhicDhòmhnaill a Cill Moluaig a’ bruidhinn mun obair cìobair, obair foghair, obair an Earraich air a’ chroit, ceannach biadh ann am meudachd, a’ roinn barraille sgadain, na ceàrdan, a’ dol a mach air oidhche na Callaine, cùisean aig àm tighinn dhachaigh re Faidhir Glaschu, bainnsean sàbhail agus làithean nigheadh na plaideachan.


Audio cassette recording of Hector Campbell of Garaphail interviewed by Margaret Bennett of the School of Scottish Studies.

Hector Campbell of Garaphail and Comrie talks to Margaret Bennett of the School of Scottish Studies about Gaelic songs and poetry, the music sailors from Ireland and the islands made at sea, the connections between Tiree and Skye, his boyhood, New Year, Halloween and May Day, superstitions, the weather, herbal remedies, fishing, seaweed as food, the changes in crofting practice, what happened when someone died, dances, washing days and health.


Audio cassette recording of Hugh MacLean of Barrapol talking to Maggie Campbell in October 1999.

Hugh MacLean of Barrapol talks to Maggie Campbell in October 1999 about his boyhood and schooling at Sgoil na Mòintich, his work on the farm, a spell in the Merchant Navy and 40 years as clerk to Tain Committee, old burial places, old farming methods using horses, harvesting, changes in the weather, planting potatoes, Tiree-made shoes, storms and tornadoes, New Year festivities, whisky, the Glassary and Curtis-Stanford. Tha Iain Aonghais a’ bruidhinn ri Magaidh Chaimbeul anns an Dàmhair 1999 mu na daoine agus àiteachan ann agus mun cuairt Cill Moluaig, feum crotail airson aodach a dhath gu dearg, diofrach thobhtaichean mun cuairt Loch Bhasapol far am b’ àbhaist bradan agus bric a bhi, mac fear-uasal Dhòmhnall ’IcIllEathain a bha na fhear-brathaidh airson an Ruis, mar a fhuair ‘An Green’ ainm, na cathaidhean gainmhaiche a b’ àbhaist a bhi ann, uisge air a tharraing a tobraichean, ag obair air na croitean le eich, a’ cur coirce, neipean agus buntàta, a’ toirt sìol don mhuilinn ann an Còrnaig agus cion nan daoine far an robh iad uaireigin gu math lìonmhor.


Audio cassette recording of Bunty Kennedy interviewed by Maggie Campbell in Coll on 8/7/2003.

Maggie Campbell talks to Bunty Kennedy of Coll in July 2003 about her early childhood and schooldays on Tiree in the 1940s, her life on Coll from the 1950s to the present day, the water and electricity supply, the postal services, fishing, past and present New Years on Coll. She sings a verse of a song by Iain MacDonald and her son, Cailean, plays a few tunes on the accordion. Bunty Ceannaideach o Colla a’ bruidhinn ri Mairead Caimbeul anns an t-Iuchair 2003 mu dheidhinn làithean sgoile ann a Tiriodh anns na ceathradan, fuireachd ann a Colla anns na coigeadan, nuair a thàinig dealan agus uisge gu Colla, am post, iasgach agus mar a bha am Bliadhna Ur air a thoirt a steach fo chionn fhada taca ris mar a tha e air a’ dhèanamh air an latha an diugh. Tha Bunty a seinn rann fo òrain Iain MacDhòmhnaill agus tha Cailean, a mac aice, a cluich am bogsa ciùil.