Minidisk recording of Willie MacLean of Balinoe talking to Maggie Campbell in January 2008.
Willie MacLean of Balinoe talks to Maggie Campbell in January 2008 about the old New Year, its customs and beliefs, also about local funerals.
Minidisk recording of Willie MacLean of Balinoe talking to Maggie Campbell in January 2008.
Willie MacLean of Balinoe talks to Maggie Campbell in January 2008 about the old New Year, its customs and beliefs, also about local funerals.
RAF Christmas card dating from World War II.
Christmas card from the RAF Station, Tiree during World War II.
Tiree High School Christmas card.
Tiree High School Christmas card designed by Finn MacDonald, Primary 1.
Newsletter `An Tirisdeach`, No. 360, 14/1/2006.
Local news and events including the Hogmanay party in An Talla, the death of Peter MacLeod in a car accident, the appearance of Skippinish at the Celtic Connections music festival, information about Tiree Community Business and an update from Tiree Rural Development.
Newsletter `An Tirisdeach`, No. 359, 22/12/2005.
Local news and events including a presentation to Ann Langley at the Senior Citizens Party, update from Councillor Ian Gillies, news from the RSPB and an article about MSP Maureen MacMillan`s promotion of micro-renewables.
Christmas card and postage stamp designed by school pupil Anna MacDonald.
Christmas card and postage stamp designed by Primary 6 pupil Anna MacDonald.
Mini-disk recording of Janet Brown, Balephuil talking to Maggie Campbell in August 2005.
Seònaid Brown née MacArthur of Balephuil talks to Maggie Campbell in August 2005 about her schooling at Heylipol during World War II and afterwards at Cornaig, her school clothes, lunches, games, her classes and teachers, school discipline, evacuees and tinkers, Christmas parties, transport to school, ministers and childhood illnesses.
Mini-disk recording of Hugh MacLeod of Cornaigbeg talking to Maggie Campbell on 1/2/2005.
Hugh MacLeod (Eòghann Charrachan) of Cornaigbeg talks to Maggie Campbell in February 2005 about old Tiree recipes for drinks and oatmeal porridge, about the food that can be found on the beach, the difference in importance between Christmas and New Year and how the Old New Year was celebrated on 13th January.
CD Pròiseact Thiriodh CD-SA1968-32.
Donald Sinclair (Dòmhnall Chaluim Bhàin) of Balephuil talks about poultry feed and flour, gives two proverbs, talks about women wrestling in Tiree, sings a song about the Campbells and MacLeans, talks about Hogmanay rhymes and traditions, sings ‘Calum Bàn’ and ‘Duain Callain’, talks about choosing a dog, about bards and sings two songs miscalling a Moss Bard and sings ‘Maighdeannan na h-Airigh’, talks about weaving patterns and dyeing, using hen dung for washing, sings a waulking song and a lullaby, talks bout using urine for waulking, washing, drying and finishing wool, barn dances, the words used during the process of turning wool to cloth, tailors and weavers.
Mini-disk SA1968/32.
Donald Sinclair (Dòmhnall Chaluim Bhàin) of Balephuil talks about poultry feed and flour, gives two proverbs, talks about women wrestling in Tiree, sings a song about the Campbells and MacLeans, talks about Hogmanay rhymes and traditions, sings ‘Calum Bàn’ and ‘Duain Callain’, talks about choosing a dog, about bards and sings two songs miscalling a Moss Bard and sings ‘Maighdeannan na h-Airigh’, talks about weaving patterns and dyeing, using hen dung for washing, sings a waulking song and a lullaby, talks bout using urine for waulking, washing, drying and finishing wool, barn dances, the words used during the process of turning wool to cloth, tailors and weavers.