Tag Archives: fiddle music


CD ‘The Tiree Songbook’, by various singers and musicians, 2017. Double CD of a collection of 21 tracks of traditional music and songs known as favourites on Tiree. Artists include Euan Burton, Donald-Iain Brown, Marie Fielding, James Graham, Mary Ann Kennedy, Calum MacCrimmon, Anna Massie, Linda MacLeod, Ian Smith, Iain Brown, Ishbel Campbell, Murdina MacLean, Bernard Smith, John C Campbell, Alastair Campbell, Anne Johnston, Finaly Johnston, Gordon Rowan, Kyle Rowan, Campell Brown, Daniel Gillespie, Angus MacPhail. Recorded during 2016 and 2017 at An Talla, Tiree, the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, Watercolour Music, Ardgour, Crois Geur Studio, Kilmoluaig, and the National Piping Centre, Glasgow.

Track titles: Chuir iad an t-suil a Pilot; Cumha do dh’Iain Domhnallach; ‘S e Tiriodh an t-eilean as biodhche; Marbhrann do Mhrs Noble; An tir iosal lurach; Cachaileith to Corrairigh; Oran nam priosanach; Lag nan Cruachan; Calum Salum’s salute to the seals; A Chaluim Bhig; Aisling cuimhn’; Oran nan grudairean; Bithibh aotrom; The ‘Sgirisdeach’ set; Tha mi fo churaim; Donald Campbell set; Mo chaol thar chaich.


Magazine article about Calum MacKinnon who is a fiddler in Seattle with Tiree parents

Article in `Fiddler Magazine` about Calum MacKinnon, Seattle, whose parents were from Tiree. Includes a photograph of Calum with his fiddle class at the Tiree Fèis in 1998 including Sarah Holliday, Mairi Ann Munn, Jennifer MacKinnon, Morven MacInnes and others (pages 4 to 9).


Audio cassette recording of the Old New Year Ceilidh in 2001.

Old New Year Ceilidh (Cèilidh na Caillein) held in the Scarinish Hotel on 13th January 2001, introduced by Jessie Gray and featuring the Cornaig Ceilidh Band, Iain MacKinnon and his son Kenneth on the bagpipes, singers Wilma Kennedy, James Macleod of Heylipol and John Campbell of Cornaigbeg, Dr John Holliday and his daughter Sarah on the flute and fiddle, singers Willie MacLean of Balinoe and Bernie Smith of Hynish, step-dancer Wilma Kennedy accompanied by John Holliday on the flute and a vote of thanks from Neil Munn of Middleton.


Audio cassette recording of the Old New Year Ceilidh in 2001.

Old New Year Ceilidh (Cèilidh na Caillein) held in the Scarinish Hotel on 13th January 2001, introduced by Jessie Gray and featuring the Cornaig Ceilidh Band, Iain MacKinnon and his son Kenneth on the bagpipes, singers Wilma Kennedy, James Macleod of Heylipol and John Campbell of Cornaigbeg, Dr John Holliday and his daughter Sarah on the flute and fiddle, singers Willie MacLean of Balinoe and Bernie Smith of Hynish, step-dancer Wilma Kennedy accompanied by John Holliday on the flute and a vote of thanks from Neil Munn of Middleton.


Audio cassette recording of Hugh MacLean of Barrapol talking to John Donald MacLean in March 1998.

Hugh MacLean (Eòghann Dhòmhnaill Eòghainn Mhòir) of Barrapol talks to John Donald MacLean (Teòn Dòmhnall a’ Mhuilinn)about Tiree bards, the wreck of the Vivo and other ships, a cobbler in Mannal, collecting peat from the Ross of Mull, the fiddler of Sandaig and his genealogy, the kelp industry, the factor Iain Campbell, temperance, the weather, diet, agricultural methods, the beaches, cars and the arrival of the first plane; Hugh also sings some songs and plays a number of tunes on the electronic bagpipes. Tha Eòghann Dhòmhnaill Eòghainn Mhòir a Goirtean Dòmhnaill a’ bruidhinn ri Teòn Dòmhnall a’ Mhuilinn mu na bàird Thirisdeach, mun lon-bhriseadh Vivo agus bàtaichean eile, greusaiche a Mannal, a’ toir mòine on Ross Mhuileach, fidhleir Shandaig agus a shloinntearachd, obair a’ cheilp, am bàillidh Iain Caimbeul, measarrachd, an tìde, obair fearainn, na tràighean, carbadan agus mar a thàinig a cheud itealan; tha Eòghann cuideachd a’ seinn òrain agus a’ cluich fonn air a’ phìob eleactronaich.


Audio cassette recording of Alasdair Lamont of Ardton in Mull talking to Maggie Campbell in October 1999.

Alasdair Lamont of Ardton in Mull talks to Maggie Campbell in October 1999 about his musical family, plays a selection of tunes on the fiddle: a tune to commemorate the re-opening of Duart Castle in 1912, Lochaber Gathering, Cearcall a’ Chuain/Nam Aonar le mo Smuaintean and Dr James Donaldson; sings Lag na Cruachan; plays a selection of Gaelic songs on the accordion and a selection of fiddle tunes from the opening of the Mod plus An cluinn thu mi mo nighean donn and MacLean of Pennycross.