Tag Archives: ducks


Transcript of a Police Report submitted to Tobermory Procurator Fiscal by John McDougall (Constable) charging Ann McMillan or McDougall and Alice Bake or McMillan with Breach of the Peace in September 1880. Ann McMillan/McDougall (wife of John McDougall, Balevullin) and Alice Bake/McMillan (wife of Archibald McMillan, Balevullin) quarrelled about ducks and fought at the house of Sarah Cameron or McMillan (widow, Balevullin) on 28 September 1880.

Sarah Cameron/McMillan (above), John McMillan (son of Sarah Cameron, Balevullin) are named as witnesses and provide statements.

Click to read a transcript of this item.

From the liveArgyll Archives in Lochgilphead, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Transcript of a Police Report submitted to Tobermory Procurator Fiscal by Duncan Cameron (Constable) charging Chirsty MacDonald (cottar, Balemartine) with malicious mischief in 1867. MacDonald is charged with killing a duck belonging to Malcolm MacDonald (crofter, Balemartine) in October 1866. Statements are provided by John Sinclair (servant to and residing with Malcolm MacDonald) and Roderick MacKinnon (son of Chirsty MacDonald).

Click to read a transcript of this item.

From the liveArgyll Archives in Lochgilphead, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Transcript of a Police Report submitted to Tobermory Procurator Fiscal by John MacDougall (Constable) charging Flora MacPhail or MacKinnon with assault on 6 August 1872. Flora MacPhail is accused of assaulting Ann MacFadyen or MacDougall (widow, Vaul) with a duck. The report also charges MacPhail with assaulting Lilly Bella MacDougall (daughter of Ann MacFadyen, Vaul).

Ann MacFadyen or MacDougall (above), Lily Bella MacDougall (above) and Catherine MacLeod (daughter of Archibald MacLeod, Vaul) are named as witnesses and provide statements. The accused’s name is given as both MacPhee and MacPhail in this transcript.

Click to read a transcript of this item.

From the liveArgyll Archives in Lochgilphead, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.



Periodical `The Coll Magazine`, No. 8, 1990.

Articles about seers, emigration ship `Brilliant`, fishing competitions, poetess and pauper Janet MacLean, the school, the church, model aeroplanes, ducks, views on Coll and the Community Council among others.


Audio cassette recording of Hugh MacLean of Barrapol talking to John Donald MacLean in 1997.

Hugh MacLean (Eòghann Dhòmhnaill Eòghainn Mhòr) of Barrapol talks to John Donald MacLean in 1997 about shipwrecks on Tiree’s coast, a song about the Vivo composed by John Brown of Kilmoluaig, the burial ground of a shipwrecked crew at Balevullin, the healthy diet of his younger days, changes in the fishing grounds, shooting duck, geese and cormorants, eating seafood and seaweed, his school-days at Heylipol School, his interest in piping and Tiree pipers and fiddlers, the names of the cliffs caves and fishing rocks at Kennavara and his wartime experiences. Tha Eòghann Dhòmhnaill Eòghainn Mhòr a Goirtean Dòmhnall a’ bruidhinn ri Teòn Dòmhnall a’ Mhuilinn ann an 1997 mu na luing-bhriseadh air na tràighean mun cuairt Thiriodh, òran a chaidh a’ sgrìobhadh mun Vivo le Iain ’IcIllDhuinn a Cill Moluaig, an cladh aig sgioba long-bhriseadh ann am Baile Mhuilinn, am biadh fallain a fhuair e ann an làithean òige, atharrachaidhean ann àiteachan iasgaich, an t-sealgaireachd lacha, geòidh agus sgairbh, ag itheadh biadh-cladaich agus feamainn, a làithean-sgoile an Sgoil na Mòintich, a spies ann am pìobaireachd, pìobairean agus fìdhlearan Thiriodh, ainmeannan nan stùcannan, uamhan agus carraigean ann an Ceann a’ Bhara agus deuchainn an àm a’ chogaidh.