Local news including forthcoming agricultural show; invasive seaweed on boats; school news and awards; cut in housing budget for Argyll & Bute; Tiree Experience bus tours; A&B local plans published; an `Interview with God`; high fuel prices; bumblebees.
Suggested identification for pottery `Mystery Object`
Handwritten suggestion for the identification of a large piece of pre-historic pottery drilled with holes. Possibly used as a bee hive, the holes being made for ventilation. Includes drawing and typed transcription. Relates to pottery fragment found by C MacDonell at Salum in 2009 (see 2010.35.1).
Articles about Skerryvore lighthouse, WWII, pigeons, RSPB, emigration and the `Brilliant`, a school trip, holiday-makers, fishing competitions, the Coll show, Project Trust and bees among others.