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Digitised copy of a Report from Heylipol Public School for the winter months, February 1883. The report was written for the Duke of Argyll by J McFarlane and is divided into observations on ‘attendance’, ‘progress’, ‘general’ and ‘state of the island’ and contains remarks on: attendance for December 1882 to February 1883; the affect of weather on attendance; subjects taught and standards; appointment of compulsory officers; comments on parents and their attitudes to education; and teachers. McFarlane also discusses unrest in the island (the ‘wild & extravagant ideas that originally started in Ireland’ and the ‘circulation of pernicious & revolutionary literature’) and refers to a petition signed by crofters in the west end. He recounts a conversation with a man named Donald, a crofter in Balevullin, and also refers to the consequences of inadequate farming techniques.

Click to read a transcript of this item.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.



Digitised copy of Return of Crofters in Arrears, Tyree Estate, Crop 1862, with Remarks, dated April 1864. Contains residence, name of crofter, annual rent, amount in arrears at Whitsunday 1863 and remarks. The return includes the following crofters: Neil Macdonald (Balemartine), Donald Macfarlane (Balemartine), Niel MacLean (Balemartine), Malcolm MacArthur (Balephuil), John Campbell (Balephuil), Archibald Brown (Balephuil), Hector Lamont (Balevullin); Ann MacLean (Barrapol), Angus MacArthur (Barrapol), Niel Clark (Caoles), Alexander McKinnon (Gott), John Macdonald (Gott), Lachlan Macphaden (Hianish); Alexander Kennedy (Kilkenneth), Niel Mackinnon (Kilkenneth), John MacInnes (Kilmoluaig), Donald McMillan (Mannal), Arch[ibal]d McNeill (Mannal), Murdoch Brown (Mannal), Donald MacLean Jun[io]r (Mannal), John Macdonald (Mannal), Archibald McArthur (Sandaig), Niel MacKinnon Jun[io]r (Kilmoluaig).

Click to read a transcript of this item.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.



Transcript of correspondence regarding a petition made by Isabella Lamont (daughter of Charles Lamont, Ruaig) to the Duke of Argyll. Contains a cover letter from J Wylie to the Duke of Argyll in support of Lamont’s petition, dated 30 June 1890; a copy letter from Hugh McDiarmid (Tiree Factor) to the Duke of Argyll (undated); and the petition from Isabella Lamont (daughter of Charles Lamont, Ruaig) to the Duke of Argyll, dated 27 May 1890.

Lamont requests a site to build a home for herself and her children, both of whom were fathered by Alexander Macdonald (son of Widow Macdonald, Ruaig).

Click to read a transcript of this item. Catalogue entries for the letters are available at 2022.10.1, 2022.10.2.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Digitised copy of a letter regarding a petition made by Isabella Lamont (daughter of Charles Lamont, Ruaig) to the Duke of Argyll. Contains a cover letter from J Wylie to the Duke of Argyll in support of Lamont’s petition, dated 30 June 1890 as well as a copy letter from Hugh McDiarmid (Tiree Factor) concerning accommodation for Isabella Lamont and her child (undated).

See 2021.10.3 for a transcript of this item.

Click to view a record for this item on Inveraray’s online catalogue.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Digitised copy of the Memorial of the rental of Tiree, 1662, by Ardgour.

Contains rents paid in money and victuals for the west and east ends of Tiree. The following townships are included: Hianenish (Heanish), Baighe (Baugh), Heillieboill and Crossiboill (Heylipol and Crossapol), Ballienoe (Balinoe), Courerse (Cuigeas), Sorobe and Ballimartine (Soroby and Balemartine), Mannall (Manal), Haivenish (Hynish), Eyren (Heren), Balliephaill (Balephuil), Kenvar (Kenovar), Baraboll (Barrapol), Balliemanach (Middleton), Sandaig, Grianall (Greenhill), Kerriefergus (Kerrefurgus), Kerriemeanach (Kerremeanach), Kerri[?]kill (partially illegible, possibly Keranokile), Crossiger (Kerachchrosegar), Mourdott (Murstat), Hodgh (Hough), The Milne (the mill), Balliewilling (Balevullin), Kilmaluag (Kilmoluaig), Bist (Beist), Ballanacraganich (Baile nan Cràganach), Bassaboil (Bhasapol), Corenegmore (Cornaigmore), Corenegbeg (Cornaigbeg), Kenway (Kenovay), Balliefedrus (Balephetrish), Balwaig (Baluaig), Kirkapoill (Kirkapol), Vaul, Shallum (Salum), Ruag and Muyll (Ruaig and Vuill), Keylis (Caoles), Gott.

This document is written in secretary hand. Click to read a transcript of this item.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Digitised copy of Memorandum of the rental of the east end of Tiree and of the west end of Tiree, 1662.

Contains the extent of the land measured in mail lands (a unit of land tenure possibly deriving from the Old Norse word mælir), with personal names included in the patronymic form. The townships listed are: Ballemulline (Balevullin), Killimulwaige (Kilmoluaig), Bijt (Beist), Basbwll (Bhasapol), Cornegmore (Cornaigmore), Cornegbeg (Cornaigbeg), Kenivaij (Kenovay), Ballefetrishe (Balephetrish), Kirkboll (Kirkapol), Wall (Vaul), Shallum (Salum), Qwaige & moill (Ruaig and Vuill), Caillis (Caoles), Hienishe (Heanish), Baighe (Baugh), Hilliboll & Crossboll (Heylipol & Crossapol), Balleno (Balinoe), Cw[y]eisse (Cuigeas), Sorribij & Ballemertine (Soroby & Balemartine), Manwell [Mannal], Heynish (Hynish), Herrinnine (Heren), Ballefwill (Balephuil), Kenivar (Kenavara), Barbwll (Barrapol), Ballemeanach (Middleton), Santaige (Sandaig), Grenall (Greenhill), Kerrafergosse (Kerreferguss), Kerremeanach, Kerrenakill (Keranokile), Crossiger (Kerachrosecar), and Mwrdate (Murstat)

This document is written in secretary hand. Click to view a transcript of this item.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Digitised copy of Account of rents owing to the Earl of Argyll for Colonsay and Oronsay, Tiree, Mornish, Treshnish and Gometra, Jura and Ulva dated 1677.

Provides an account of intromissions and feu duties owed for land in Colonsay, Oronsay, Terie (Tiree), Morinish (Mornish), Treshinish (Treshnish), Gomitra (Gometra), Jura, and Ulva by Archibald Campbell of Crackaig; Donald Campbell of Ballenalie; the Tacksmen of Mornish, Treshnish and Gometra; Alexander Campbell of Torbolls; John Campbell, Bailie of Jura; John Campbell of Killenalen; Duncan McArthor [McArthur] of Cultouns. The record is dated 1677 but provides details of amounts owed in the years ’80’ to ’91’.

This document is written in secretary hand. Click to read a transcript of this item.

From the archives of the Dukes of Argyll at Inveraray Castle, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Transcript of a Police Report submitted to Henry Nisbet, Tobermory Procurator Fiscal, by Finlay Fraser, Detective Constable, regarding the discovery of a human body on the shore at Sandaig on 26 January 1860. The deceased could be identified as George Murray, captain of the smack Swan of Belfast, by their appearance, the location of the body and by papers found in the deceased’s pockets. The Swan of Belfast was wrecked in January 1860.

Click to read a transcript of this item.

From the liveArgyll Archives in Lochgilphead, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.



Transcript of a Police Report submitted to Tobermory Procurator Fiscal by Walter Beattie (Constable) reporting a suspected case of sheep stealing in Balevullin, in February 1904. Statements are provided by William McNeill (cottar, Balevullin) and Hugh McKinnon (shepherd, Hough)

Click to read a transcript of this item.

From the liveArgyll Archives in Lochgilphead, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.


Transcript of Precognition of Witnesses against Hugh MacDonald on charges of Malicious Mischief in 1885. The transcript provides details of how Hugh MacDonald (Moss) took possession of a house in Moss. Statements are provided by:

Donald McMillan (cottar, Moss)
John McNeill (fisherman, Balevullin)
Christy (or Cursty) McDonald of McNeill (wife of Donald McNeill, Balevullin)
Peggy Beaton of Carmichael (widow, Ross of Mull)
Hugh Macdiarmid (factor to the Duke of Argyll, Tiree)
Angus Macdonald (shepherd, Moss)
Alexander Buchanan (Medical Officer for the Parochial Board of Tiree)

Click to read a transcript of this item.

From the liveArgyll Archives in Lochgilphead, made available through the Written in the Landscape project.

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