Newsletter `An Tirisdeach`, No. 446, 10/07/2009
Local news: school awards and ceremony with guest speakers Prof. Donald Meek and Johnny MacKenzie; RAF pilot, and son of one of the owners of the Scarinish Hotel, dies in Tornado crash; wedding of Edinburgh couple; Tiree Open golf competition; An Iodhlann’s article ‘Sheaves from the Stackyard’ about schools; a peom by Alex MacLean; Soaghal nan Gaidheal / Life of the Gael 2009 photographic competition for children; community Powerdown project; Access & Conservation Officer, Alison Spence takes up her post; Chairman’s report for Tiree Renewable Energy Ltd; Tiree Regatta schedule; planned crofting reform bill meeting; re-furbished Co-op re-opened by school children; forthcoming Agricultural Show; new artwork in Dorinda Johnson’s gallery; local band Skippinish to release live album; Argyll College train staff of the Cobbled Cow and Elephant’s End restaurants; announcement of Tiree Art Enterprises’ annual exhibition.