Papers about mid-air collision of RAF planes over Tiree in 1944
Photocopied collection of various letters, documents, articles and telegrams, regarding Flying Officer Kenneth William Organ, who was one of 16 RAF flight crew who died when two Halifax aircraft of 518 Squadron (Met Obs) collided over Tiree in August 1944. Collection includes: (1) photograph of aircraft (same as photo R153), (2) telegram from 518 Sqn to Dora Organ (wife) informing of death, (3) telegram to wife re funeral arrangements, (4) letter to wife re death, (5) notice of sympathy to wife from Buckingham Palace, (6) commemorative scroll `FO K W Organ RAF`, (7) memorial page for KW Organ from Common Wealth Graves Commission website, (8) `An Investigation of the Air Tests which terminated in a mid-air collision between Halifax M/518 (LL186) and Halifax S/518 (LL296) RAF Tiree – 16 August 1944` by PG Rackliffe, (9) article about 518 Squadron compiled by Geoff Pringle in 2003, (10) extract titled `Of Sea and Sky` from unknamed book about Halifax aircraft and the Meterological Observers. (given to Dr Holliday by the deceased`s son – Ken Organ)
(4) letter to Mrs Organ. Image added to website August 2024