
Serving dish from the mess of SS Malve

Pale blue china serving dish with handles and lid from the Officers` Mess of SS Malve, the Finnish steamship which ran aground in Balephetish Bay in 1931. Bought at a sale of salvaged items. A small dark blue flag with D and V, standing for Delmas Vieljeux – a previous owner (see 2012.99.2), is stamped on dish and lid. Made in France.


Object Details

Other Number: not specified

Serving dish from the officers` mess of the SS Malve

The Malve was a Finnish steamship that ran aground in Balephetish Bay in 1931. The dish and many other items from the stricken ship were salvaged and sold locally. D V stands for Delmas Vieljeux - a previous owner of the steamship.

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