Photograph of the Decca Hifix radio mast and camp at West Hynish in 1966
Black & white photograph of the temporary Decca Hifix radio mast and camp at West Hynish in 1966. The radio was one of three used to accurately locate a Royal Navy survey vessel `HMS Mermaid` that was mapping the topography of the seabed in the shipping lanes between Scotland and Ireland. The other two radios were located at Malin Head and Islay. (For further details see 2012.125.5 filing cabinet 9 drawer 4)
I was on Tiree in 1970 with Decca running a HIFIX station. Unlike the photo you have we were housed in an ordinary caravan about half of which was the equipment. We were supporting HMS Hecla, if I recall correctly, or maybe HMS Hecate. Our station was on the NW corner of the island. I recall our neigbour, a Mr Campbell who was a retired ship’s chief engineer, objecting to our generators running 24/7 and so the Navy came in and laid a cable to the nearest mains supply. I think the other Decca sites were on Canna and maybe Islay.